Chapter 19

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    The next morning, I woke up pretending last nights events never happened. Of course as soon as I woke up, Zoey bombarded me with questions, but I simply told her I was fine and left it at that. Zoey and I dressed before we headed down to join the others for breakfast. Everyone kept their eyes on me as we ate. I assumed they were waiting for me to talk about last night or at least blow up about it, but I kept calm as I ate. 

   Stefanie finally turned to me. "So, did anything happen after you left the club last night?" She asked me. Everyone kept quiet as they watched me. 

   I shook my head. "Nope. I just went to sleep." 

   "You mean Elias never called and you never called him?" Mia asked. 

   I shook my head again as I bit into a tart. "Nope."

   "Yeah, no. I'm not buying it. There's no way you and Elias did not talk after he sent one of his men to drag you back to your hotel room." Emma told me. 

   "I agree. I'm his sister, so I know better than to believe you guys did not talk." Mia said.

    I let a sigh out and looked around the table at everyone. "Fine. We did talk." 

    "I knew it! About what?!" Zoey said with a grin on her face.

    I turned my head to glare at her. "I don't want to talk about it. It's between Elias and I. If you want to know so bad, call him yourself. I'm heading out for a bit." 

    I threw my cloth napkin down on the table and stood up from my chair. "Where are you going?" Zoey asked me. 

    "Around the block at the shopping centers. I just need to get out." 

    "Do you want us to come with you?" Livia asked me and I shook my head. 

    "You guys can later. I just need some time alone right now." I told them with a smile. I made my way to the front entrance of the hotel. 

    "Ms. Russo!" I heard my name being called and I turned to see three of Elias's soldiers walking towards me. I let a sigh out, "I assume you have orders to guard me?" One of the soldiers gave me a small grin and I gave him a nod. "Very well then," I said as I made my way out of the hotel. 

    I walked by different boutiques, just window shopping. I did not go into any of the stores because I had no intentions on buying anything. I just needed to go on a walk. I am sure the soldiers hated me by now. We have been walking for almost four hours now. 

    I came to a halt at a window of a bridal store. I have no idea what possessed me to do so, but I went inside and began browsing dresses. I ran my fingers along the fabric of the dresses. What the hell was I doing in here? I had no business being in a store like this.

   "See any you would like to wear on your magical day?" A sales associate asked me as she walked over to me. I smiled and shook my head, "I'm just looking. No plans for a wedding." 

    "I see. Is your boyfriend being difficult about popping the question?" 

     I laughed at her question. I kept a small smile on my face as I stared at the wedding dress on the mannequin in front of me. "No, I would need a boyfriend to be in a situation like so. I guess I came in here because I just never imagined myself in a wedding dress. Marriage just doesn't appeal me." 

    "Probably because the term scares you." I turned to look at her and she let a small laugh out. "I must say you're the first woman I met who is like this. Each to their own as I say. But have you ever tried a wedding dress on before?" 

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