Chapter 16

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    I had no idea how long I have been laying here or how much time has passed. I was to numb to move. My emotions confused me as my thoughts ran wild. All of this because of Elias. I was intoxicated by him.

    I heard the door to the hotel room open, but I stayed still in the tub. If it was someone here to kidnap me, today was their lucky day, because I could care less what happens anymore. I heard the bathroom doorknob trying to be turned. They started to bang on the door when they realized the door was locked. "Aurora?" I heard Elias ask on the other side. 

    I stayed quiet. I hated him for the way he made me feel. I hated him for how easy it was for him to treat me like shit. Elias never hesitates when he speaks cruelly to me. It was time for me to finally leave. 

    "Aurora?!" Elias was now yelling as he tried to budge the knob. "Fuck." I heard him say. I suddenly heard the door trying to be knocked off of its hinges.

    I let a sigh out as I continued to stare at the tiled wall. Just leave me be, Elias. I heard the wood cracking a part as Elias continued to knock the door down. I curled up in a ball on the floor of the tub. I finally heard the door fly open, slamming against the sink counter. 

    I felt hands on me, but I refused to move or unwind myself. "Aurora, please. I'm sorry for how I acted earlier," Elias whispered. Every part of me wanted to be in his arms. To hear his sweet words intoxicate me some more. 

   This was not healthy for neither of us. This pretend fairytale I wanted to live was not healthy for me. Especially when having feelings for someone is something Elias refused to do. "Aurora." Elias said in a stern tone as he tried to lift me up from the tub. 

   "I'm leaving tomorrow." Elias froze in place as he heard my words. I was barely off the floor.  

  "No, you're-," he was about to say, but I cut him off. "Yes, I am. I'm just a guest. I can leave any time I want." 

   "Why do you want to leave?" 

   "Because it's best if I do so. It would be best if we want back to our lives, before we collided into one another's." I told him. Silence grew between us. Cruel, cold, silence. 

   I heard Elias swallow hard. "Is that what you want?" His voice now a whisper. 

  "Yes." I tightened my eyes and bit my lip, so I could control myself from not having a break down in front of him. My heart felt heavy. Elias moved his arm off me, and I sat myself up in the tub, not turning to look at him. I pulled my knees up to hold them against my chest. 

   "Very well." Elias said in a rough tone. I heard him make his way out of the bedroom. I heard him grab something out of the closet before he left the room. I took a glance behind me and saw the debris of the bathroom door on the floor. 

   I pulled myself up to get out of the tub and walked over the pieces of the broken door on the floor. I looked at the closet to see the door still open and I noticed Elias took one of his bags. I walked over to the bed and collapsed on top of it. I closed my eyes to fall asleep. Even though I napped almost all day, my heavy heart exhausted me. 

    I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I tried to ignore it, but they knocked again. I slowly rose up from the bed and went to answer the door. I opened the door, coming face to face with Mia. "I thought you would be ready by now."

    I looked at Mia confused. "What do you mean?" 

    "Elias didn't tell you?" Mia said as she crossed her arms.    

    "Tell me what?" 

    Mia rolled her eyes. "Of course, he didn't." She said as she walked past me into the room. She stopped at the bathroom. "What the hell happened here?"   

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