Chapter 8

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     "It's so nice to have a day off like this." Mia said as we chilled in lounge chairs by the pool. 

      "What do you mean? Does this not happen often?" I asked as I adjusted my sunglasses. 

       "Maybe like every two months. We're always being sent out on missions." Stefanie said as she rubbed sunscreen on herself. "By the way, Ari, you look damn good in that bathing suit!" 

        "Thank you." I told her with a smile. "Oh, girl anytime!" She said as she did a hand motion.

        "Okay, ladies, control yourselves. I know seeing me shirtless is causing your heart rates to spike." Cam said as soon as he made it over to us while flexing his arm with a smirk.

         "Cam, the only thing spiking is your imagination." Stephanie told him causing Mia and I to laugh. 

           "Please. I know you got the hots for me, Stephanie." He said as he lowered his glasses to wink at her. 

             "Damn, I didn't realize it was hot like a desert out here because, baby, you be hallucinating." Vito laughed at her joke as he walked by. 

              "Damn, Stephanie that was a good one!" He hollered as he continued to walk. "Cam, get your ass over here! Elias and Enzo will be out here to try beat our asses at volleyball again!" 

                "If you ladies get lonely, you know where to find me." Cam said before walking off. 

              "I swear that boy is something else." Stephanie said as she leaned back in the lounge chair. 

               "Where's Emma and Livia?" I asked. 

              "Oh, they probably went to the tour spots." Mia said. 


               "Because Emma loves the foreign boys and Livia loves the restaurants in that area. They both satisfy their hunger I guess." Stephanie said and I laughed. 

                "It's about time you two got out here! Cam and I are going to whoop your asses!" Vito yelled and I looked over in the direction he was yelling at. 

                 Holy shit. I bit the inside of my jaw to keep my jaw from hanging open. Elias was only wearing swim shorts that were white and blue. His six pack abs, exposed with a tribal tattoo leading from his arm to the upper left of his chest. His hair tousled with a slight curl to it. I took every inch of him in with my eyes. Thank the heavens for my sunglasses right now. 

                A smirk began to form on his face. I had no idea what was making him smirk since he too was wearing sunglasses. When he made it over to us, he stopped right in front of my lounge chair. Damn, how I wish I could see if he was checking me out right now. "You know it's not polite to stare." Elias said as he continued to smirk. 

                God, to run my hand down that chest of his. Get a hold of yourself, Aurora! "Oh, you mean Enzo noticed me staring at him. Shit." The smirk on Elias's face was quickly replaced with a tight lip and a glare. 

            Without saying a word, he walked away. That's when I noticed a thin scar halfway across his back, leading from his right shoulder down to the left side of his back and then on the back of his left leg, he had a burn scar.  

                "You have no idea what Enzo's wearing, do you?" Stephanie asked me.

                "Not a clue." I answered honestly. 

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