Chapter 12

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      "You've been quiet since we left the house in Aosta. Is everything okay?" Vito asked me as he drove us back to the mansion. When we landed back in Rome, Cam and Zoey took another car so they could go out on the town for the night. They wanted me to join them, but I was no mood to do so. 

      Instead of answering him, I just nodded my head as I continued to stare out the window. Vito let a sigh out before turning up the radio. We continued to drive in silence all the way to the mansion. Once we parked, I reached into my bag to hand Vito the two evidence bags. "Take those to Elio for me, please. There's something I need to take care of." 

      Vito nodded and I made my way out of the car. I rushed up the stairs and through the doors. "Ari, you're back!" Mia told me with a smile. 

      I gave her a smile back. "I'm happy to be back! Hey, do you happen to know where Elias is by the way?" I asked her. 

     She gave me a smirk as she crossed her arms. "Missed him that bad, huh? He's in the gym training with Enzo right now." 

     "Great! I'll make my way down there right now." I told her as I removed my bag off me, placing it on an end table near the front door. I made my way downstairs, rushing straight to the gym. I looked in through glass windows to see Elias and Enzo leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring, talking and drinking from their bottles of water. I threw the door open. 

      Both of them turned to look at me as I made my way to the ring. Elias perched up from the rope as he watched me. "Aurora?" 

     I pulled myself up on to the ring and slid myself between the ropes to enter the ring. Enzo stayed still as he watched make my way over to Elias. Elias placed his hands on his hips as he smirked at me while I walked to him. "You know if you missed me that much, princess, you should have called, and I would have joined-".

      Elias had no time to finish his sentence, due to my fist making contact with the side of his face. He reached up to hold his cheek with his hand. "What the fuck, Aur-", I cut him off as I bent down on the ring as I swung my leg at his feet, to knock him down on the ring. He landed on his back, and I hopped on top of him. I began to strike him with my fists, but he caught my fist and threw me off of him. 

     He moved himself on top of me and pinned my wrist down. I wiggled my body under him, so I could free myself. I wiggled my leg enough to where my knee needed to be. I rose my knee up, kneeing him hard between his legs. "Fuck," Elias groaned as he fell off me while holding himself between his legs. 

     I stood up while I tried to catch my breath. "Fuck. Will you do something Enzo?" Elias yelled in pain.  

     "No way. It's not every day I'm a witness to someone kicking your ass. Especially, someone I trained." Enzo said as he leaned back, relaxed, on the ring ropes. 

     "This has nothing to do with Enzo anyways. This is strictly between me and you." I told him as I glared down at him. 

     "What are you talking about now?" Elias asked me as he glared back at me.

      "I'm talking about Leo's accident. Were you ever going to tell me about it?" Elias looked up at me and I could see a hint of defeat in his expression as he dropped his head down against the ring floor. 

      "How did you find out about that?" Elias asked in a normal tone as he stared up at the ceiling, dodging my glare. 

     "How I found out is none of your concern and no, it was none of your guys. They're too loyal and too afraid of you to tell me anything. Now, tell me about the accident." I told him. 

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