fallin' off

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Pearl's mouth was open, her slack jaw wide with shock and horror as the people she'd thought to be the family of the girl she'd found in the woods jeered taunts at the now-crying woman. Someone had pulled her hair roughly against her skull, and what used to be a frizzy mess of ginger curls was taut in a cruel grip. Through the layers of hair, stained with newly visible patches of blood, Pearl could see antlers jutting out at uneven angles.

She wasn't human, Pearl realized.

And she was definitely not one of them.

Her voice broke as she yelled back, "Hey! What's going on here?"

One of the men turned around slowly, his face twisting into an evil smile that made her stomach churn as he stepped forward, revealing an axe tucked snugly under his arm. "Just some small town business. Thanks for returning it to us."

"Heh, yeah." Another man laughed. "Wouldn't want someone else making the money we'll be getting off this freak."

"Speak for yourself," A woman scoffed. "That creature lived with us for years, I would be delighted if it never returned. However, you have done our village a good service. We must compensate you, in some way."

"Actually," Pearl bit her lip. "I was wondering if I could have her back? I've grown kinda attached and knowing how valuable she is..."

"In my defence," Pearl started. "I did try to bargain for your freedom."

Gem laughed bitterly. "Of course you did. Of course you did everything you could to save me. This is ridiculous."


"I don't care. Save it. I'm going to wait until they sell my parts to the highest bidder, and then I'm going to let them do what they want. It's my own fault for trying to hope."

"Gem, I'm a hybrid too, but I can't use my magic, or the ones hunting me will find me." Pearl confessed.

Gem rolled her eyes. "Yeah, cute story."

"Fine," Pearl sighed. "I'll get us out of here myself."

Gem just scoffed. She'd been here before, knew the weak spots in the prison would be fortified after her last escape. It was pointless, anyway. There would always be someone hunting her, someone out to hurt her. Gem couldn't live like that. She didn't even notice the tears rolling down her cheeks until they started dripping onto the dirt ground, leaving little mud puddles where they fell. The chains were too tight around her wrists and ankles, and her head hurt. This was what defeat felt like, Gem thought. This was her reality for the rest of her life.

Just then, the door opened roughly. A woman walked in, holding a knife in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Pearl cried, her voice breaking and betraying the worry she felt as the woman knelt near Gem, holding the knife up to her face.

"I'm a forest spirit hybrid," Gem told her as the woman brought a glass vial to her fingertips. "My blood helps things grow."

Pearl's eyes grew wide in horror as the woman began to cut into Gem, not letting a drop of blood go anywhere but the vial. Her hands clenched tightly as she watched, helpless and furious. Gem looked up at the woman with sad eyes, and Pearl noticed the tears beginning to flow anew from those green eyes.

"This is nothing," Gem muttered sadly. "I'll be okay"

"Yes," Pearl responded, forcing her voice to be completely emotionless. "You will. I promise."

The woman poured a dark liquid down Gem's throat. Gem choked and swallowed it, wincing at the burning feeling. She felt nauseous, her mind fogging over with confusion. The world spun around her, and suddenly the room was spinning faster. The woman stood and turned away, and Gem felt her head hit the dirt floor before she was unconscious.

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