Meeting new friends

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Annabeth's Point Of View

When I opened the door Percy was sleeping peacefully in his bed.   His sea-green eyes were covered partially by the blanket.  I kind of felt sorry for what I was going to do. "Percy, watch out," I yelled frantically. He woke up startled, his hand already uncapping Riptide.

"What's wrong," he yelled, jumping out of bed.

"Oh nothing, I just figured it would be the easiest way to wake you up," I explained innocently.

"Well, I'm awake now" I kissed him on the cheek and he followed me out of the room.  

Percy's POV

The first thing I saw in the morning was Annabeth, her blonde hair and stormy gray eyes and she started yelling frantically.  Quickly I lept out of bed and uncapped Riptide.  

"Finally, your awake, I just said that to wake you up," she said apologetically as we walked out of my bedroom.  I smelled my mom making pancakes before I saw her making them.  For a surprise, mom made them blue mixed with green and came out with a weird color probably never seen before.  Paul had already left and was probably getting ready to teach the class.

"Good morning," mom said "I have to leave soon.  I just rented a little spot for me to work on some of my books so I could focus, also make sure to Iris message me when you get to camp, ok,"

"Yep, bye," and she got her stuff and left.

We were just about to go camping when I suddenly saw a flash right outside the door onto the fire escape.  Then two kids appeared at the fire exit.  The boy knocked on the window and motioned to the door.  Surprised and figuring they were children of a minor deity of teleporting, I figured to let them in since they were probably exhausted.

"Thank god! Thanks for letting us in," the boy told us, then turned to the girl next to him," Why did you pick here."

"Well it was high and I was in a rush and I saw the fire escape, so I figured I might as well try," she explained.

"Um, don't mean to sound rude or anything, but why are you here and who are you," Annabeth asked suspiciously.

"Oh sorry. My name is Alex, The fairy godmother, and this is my brother Conner, who writes the stories of our adventures but is now helping me with the situation in this world.  Some of the villains from Conners' stories have escaped and are causing a bit of a problem for us.  Oh and I forgot to mention, we live in another dimension!"

Earlier today: Conner's POV

"Come on Alex! I really don't want to get eaten by the Polycrab, so hurry up the pace!!"

A/N: A polycrab is a mix of a scorpion and a spider

We were currently being chased by the villains in my short stories. We thought they would be gone but they somehow figured out how to escape!

"Can you get us up high where they can't see to confuse them," I asked hopefully. Before I could blink we were on a rickety fire escape right next to a window. I peered through and knocked on the glass to see if the boy or girl would answer. Then the boy came up and let us in through a door I didn't see before.

Authors/Note: This takes place after the battle with Gaea and the giants. I do not own any characters Rick Riordan made. All rights reserved.  I only own the characters I create.

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