The kidnapper

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Conner's POV

As we arrived back at the house I decided I was going to take the longest shower ever and then make myself a chicken sandwich.  I looked around and saw that we all were moving stiffly, obviously tired from all of our training.

"If we do that every day I swear one of us will just not move and sit down," Percy said as he opened the door for everyone.  After everyone took showers we all went over to the kitchen to make something or simply to hang out.  We all agreed to call it early for bed.  After playing some video games in the game room with Keefe, Percy, and Fitz I headed to my bedroom to get a good night's rest.

"Ruff, ruff, ruff," barked Bones as he bounded onto my bed and licked me until I was fully awake.

"What now Bones," I asked as I got out of bed and threw on a shirt. I went over to the balcony and opened the door so Bones could go explore outside. My bedroom was on the second floor but had a huge balcony with a mini forest.  I went over to the grass area and poured some of Bones' dog food and looked up at the sky.  It truly was an amazing sight.  The trees stretched up high while the sun was barely peeking up over the trees, casting small rays of sunlight over the house.  After Bones finished eating I went inside and closed the door and headed to breakfast.  As I went into the kitchen I poured myself some cereal and started to eat.  Not long after the others started to come down in pairs.  It appeared everyone wanted cereal today.  We ate so much that we had to use a full cereal box!

"Well, looks like we got Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe first," yawed Percy as he checked the schedule, "I sound like I'm at school right now dreading the math class."  I laughed at the thought of Percy going to a regular school.

"Good morning," mumbled Josh as he came into the room and poured himself some lemonade.  "Thank god I'm not teaching today, I hate the whole spotlight thing."  As soon as everyone came down to breakfast we all agreed we should start now on the class.  As soon as we made it to the main section of camp we were immediately found by this kid name Jason.

"Emergency meeting in the rec room," the kid wheezed as he ran off toward the big house and sprinted up the steps.

"Must be important if it's this early in the morning," concluded Annabeth as we climbed up the steps.  As we went into the rec room I realized this was not your real and formal way of discussion.  Everyone was sitting around a ping pong table with snacks and a live lion head in which one kid kept tossing food into his head.  

"Gather round, gather round," said Chiron wearily, "I called an emergency meeting for two reasons.  One is that one of our campers disappeared, Charlett from the Hecate cabin just this morning.  The second is that parts of the world have suddenly just vanished from the earth.  In light of these recent events, I believe you should start your quest.  The disappearances of these parts are near Paris and England.  I believe you should start there. There might be a clue on who did this and where they are.  The rest of us will be fortifying this place and we will be moving over to Camp Jupiter if any more children get kidnapped.  We are putting out satyrs to try and find Charlett.  That's all if you have something to say say it now and what you suggest what we do." 

"Is there a pattern to the disappearances of land?" asked Annabeth, "If so then it would be logical to find out the next spot and track them down here."

"Since we knew you would be like this we came in with a map," said one of Annabeth's siblings as they rolled in a huge map of the world.  You could see that they pinned the places that disappeared.  One was in Nottingham another in London, Giverny, and Lyon.

"It appears that there is absolutely no pattern whatsoever," she muttered to herself.  Then turning back to us she said, "Looks like we're going to London since that's the newest location.  Everyone should pack their bags.  We should leave in about an hour."  We all got up to leave and we all trooped outside to pack our bags.

"Can we go sightseeing when we go there, maybe to Buckingham palace," Sophie Foster asked.

"We might be able to go but we should be looking for clues, but we'll see," answered the other Sophie.  30 minutes later and 11 backpacks later we were all ready for the trip.  Scathach and Aifoe were going to travel with us so we could be protected while we were walking around.

We trooped out next to a ginormous pine tree that they told us was a child of Zeus but came back to life after the golden fleece went on the tree.  They also told us about the story of Athena Parthenos.  Chiron came galloping up the hill as Josh opened a leygate that could teleport us there.

"I expect to see you soon," Chiron said gravely.

"Bye see you later," we all said in unison as we stepped in through the portal.

If you guys want me to add any characters or enemies or want me to put in something please put it in the comments so I know what to add.  Note that I might not be able to add all of it.

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