The gingerbread men

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Annabeth's POV

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Annabeth's POV

After pranking the boys we went back to the mansion to go swim.  It was an amazing pool.  It had two waterfalls, one of them you could go behind, and a super cool water slide, which connected to a diving board. We did the biggest splash contest in which all of us except Percy made splashes that didn't even go up a foot while Percy's splash probably exploded half the pool out. While he was putting the water back I asked him if he cheated and said no.

"AHHH!" yelled Percy as he went tumbling in the pool, his arms windmilling. We were all laughing as Percy got out of the pool. After that, we had to end early from the pool because when Keefe tried to do a backflip off of the water slide and sprained his arm in the process. We put him in the infirmary and gave him some ambrosia and he was up and his arm was out of the sling right as we finished making a dinner of blue waffles with some orange juice and for some weird reason blue apples.

"What's up with the waffles and blue apples? Aren't apples supposed to be red, and I don't remember waffles being blue either," pointed out Keefe as he came in, his arm out of the sling.

"No, but Percy wanted it and it adds a little festive color," explained Alex, still cooking up some more waffles. As I sat down Percy was the first one to get to the syrup, and knowing Percy I knew we would need another bottle. After Percy was done drowning his pancakes in syrup, he put it in a bowl, I went up and got another bottle for the other half of the table we finished all of the waffles while talking about the lessons we were going to give to each other.  Content and happy we went to bed.  Percy and I snuggled up close and drifted to sleep. 

"OPEN UP! Before we break open this door," someone yelled from outside of our door.  I looked at Percy, he shook his head indicating he didn't do this, and reached for Riptide as I reached for my dagger.  Then the door suddenly burst open and gingerbread men swarmed our room with two of them guarding the entrance as the obvious general came in with a wicked-looking candy cane sword hanging by his side.  Percy had decided not to uncap Riptide but held it at his side, ready to strike.

"What do you want from us," I asked desperately, searching for what these creatures might be.

"We want you to come peacefully and quietly so we can bring you to our lords and masters so they can chop off your head," the general said, sounding quite happy at the prospect of us dying. "If you need convincing you can look at your friends right out the door and see our other troops and your friends captured and helpless," he continued in the same obnoxiously happy voice.  Then I lunged at the gingerbread man closest to me and chopped off his head as it went spinning through the air and hit the general.  While he was trying to peel off the gingerbread man's head Percy uncapped Riptide and chopped off the general's head.  Then all of them came running at us Percy made a distraction and I got my hat and turned invisible and snuck to the door and locked it.  Luckily it was 6 inches thick and made of solid steel.  Then I started to keep stabbing their legs which seemed to be the best idea because they dragged those closest to them to ask them for help to get back up.  After ten minutes all that was left was the candy cane sword they died with.

"You okay," asked Percy as he helped me up from my feet.

"Yeah. Now let's go save our friends," I replied as I opened the door and prepared for an attack but just saw our friends in a cage, who were trying to eat their way through the cage. Percy just laughed as he used Riptide to slash a wide enough square for them to climb through.

"Thanks," all of them said hoarsely.

"You're welcome, do you guys know what happened to the rest of the gingerbread men?  The general said he had more troops," I asked, searching for any idea how they could have escaped.

"Well then the general is full of centaur poop," Conner answered, "There were no other gingerbread men in the whole mansion."  I laughed in relief and we all walked outside, not quite ready for breakfast.  As soon as we were outside relaxing we decided to eat breakfast at the dining pavilion.  Right as we came there I knew something was wrong, only Chiron was there and he wore a grim expression on his face.  

"What's wrong," I asked cautiously.

"Oh, nothing," he replied, waving off the question, "I was just thinking you out to get started on your training," and with that, he got out a few papers and gave them to all of us.  "I expect you to start right away," and with that, he galloped off the archery range to practice shooting.

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