Fun night

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Fitz's POV

After Percy and Annabeth Left the whole room dissolved into chaos.  We were yelling at Josh about where he sent them and why.

"I did it because Percy and I surprised Annabeth," Josh yelled, "It's as simple as that!"  After everyone calmed down Josh explained that they were going on a date and since Percy thought Annabeth needed cheering up.  After this, we decided to wait until they came back.  Then I had a brilliant idea to go somewhere with Sophie.  Excited I looked up some places and found a mall nearby to go to, asked Josh for some money, which he made, and then I went to get Sophie.

"We're going to the mall!" I said as I rushed in to get Sophie.

"What are we doing," she asked.

"Going to the mall!"

"Um, ok.  Where is it," she asked while we were going down the elevator.

"It's right across the street," I explained as we left the hotel and started walking.  It was a lively night with other couples walking along the street and also heading for the mall.  There were twinkling lights above us.  There were some shops on the side of the street so we stopped in a couple of them.  One of the stores turned out to be a toy shop that sold tons of different toys.  For Keefe, I bought him a miniature statue of an elf wearing a bell on top of a hat.  The next place we went was a place full of books.  Sophie looked happy there and I said I would go to another shop real quick and be right back.

"Ok, but be quick, then we could go to the mall," she said while examining the books.

"Ok," I said as I rushed outside to the shop across the street.  It sold the exact thing I needed.

"What would you like, young man," asked a stern-looking lady at the desk.

"I'm just browsing," I explained as I quickly found the one I was looking for.  "Can you wrap this one up," I asked as I handed her a couple of hundred dollars.  She counted them and put them safely away and started wrapping them.

"Here you go.  Have a good evening," she said as she handed them over and I sprinted out the door.  I was so excited about this that I felt like my heart was bursting out of my chest and it was beating so quickly.  Sophie was still in the store but weirdly enough the shopkeeper had disappeared.  Just then she arrived and gave something to Sophie.

"Thanks so much!" said Sophie as she handed her the package and stowed it away in her bag, and we continued on.  We walked over to the mall and went on the Ferris wheel where we could see almost all of London.  We visited almost all the shops and by the time we went home it was 1:00 AM and we were licking our ice cream cones that we had just bought.  Once we passed the book store Sophie showed me the thing she got in the book store.

"It's for you," she said gently and handed me the gift.  I took it and opened it and saw a bracelet engraved with the words S+F forever. 

"Thanks so much," I said and gave her a kiss and brought out my present.  She opened it and her mouth dropped.  Inside was a necklace covered in tiny jewels some red, some clear, some blue, and some green.

"Thanks so much, Fitz best, gift ever!" she said as I helped her put it on.  Then we walked home arm in arm.

We arrived at the hotel and as soon as my head hit the pillow I saw Sophie plop in bed next to me and came up close and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I found Sophie was already up and making something in the kitchen.  It turned out she was making something called a cake that was a human dessert.  Once she finished she showed me it.  It looked close to mallow melt but was bigger.  She cut a slice and took a bite of it and put it into my mouth.  "Mmm," I said, "This is better than mallow melt,"  I cut another slice, took a bite, and gave her some and after a couple more pieces we were both full and went down for breakfast.

"Isn't that a little backward," I asked, "Don't you have dessert after you have a meal?"  She laughed and said "Almost everyone in America does that," explained Sophie as we walked out into the lobby.  We met the others at a breakfast cafe in the hotel.  Everyone came down in twos or threes except Percy and Annabeth who were still on their trip.  

Keefe yawned, "Good morning!  So what are we having for breakfast?"

"Looks like there's a buffet on the other side," noted Alex.

"Perfect," Keefe said and started walking toward the buffet.  We all got pancakes, and eggs for breakfast and then we headed out to find out more about the symbol.  

"How about we see if the police know what this symbol is," said Sophie.  everyone agreed and we started walking over there.  By the time we got there, the sun was up.  Then Aifoe stopped.

"What is it," I asked urgently, drawing out a goblin-throwing star.  Just then Percy and Annabeth arrived in a golden flash.

"Hi, everyone," Percy said as he appeared, "Where are we going now?"

"We're going to the police station to see if the symbol registers I explained.  We continued on walking.  When we got there Scathach came with us while Aifoe went to do a perimeter search.  Sitting behind the desk was a police officer.  He looked at us curiously and asked in a gruff voice, "What are you doing here?"

"We're here to see if you have seen anything like this," I explained as I handed over the paper.  

"You better come back here with me," he said, an urgent tone in his voice as he led us toward the back.  As soon as we had all gone through the doorway, except Aifoe, who was still checking the area out the man locked the door behind us and went toward his seat.  As soon as he pressed a button on his desk I knew we were in trouble.  Humanoid creatures with two heads and four arms were made entirely out of the mist and bound us in shackles and made us kneel in front of the officer.  

When he rose up his face was different like a spirit had taken hold of him he looked at me and said, "You've faced the Neverseen.  They are powerful but they are weak compared to us.  Bring them to the pit," he said to the creatures and dissolved into a pile of smoking ashes.

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