The End

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A/N: Sorry for not writing more.  I've been busy with homework and school.  Hope you like this chapter!

Percy's POV

After he dissolved into a smoking pile of ashes the smoke creatures led us out the door toward the disappeared Earth.  Everyone didn't even bat an eye when they saw us.  When I realized that Aifoe wasn't there I saw her lurking in the shadows next to us.  After a minute or so of walking, we reached the pit.  They opened a barrier door and led us to a little viewing platform.  

"What are they doing to us," Keefe asked tentatively, all humor gone.  They chained us down on it and cranked the lever.  Suddenly it started extending out and over the pit.  The smokey figure hit a giant blue button and a trapdoor swung open and we all fell, but not before Aifoe lept into the pit with us.  Well, I assumed it was Aifoe but all I saw was a green blur coming at us.  We all fell into the pit and Just as soon as the cold seemed to seep into us the feeling stopped.  The whole world went black and I passed out.  When I opened my eyes it appeared we were in a huge desert area.

"Where are we," I asked.  The different thing about it though was that there was a huge patch of jungle in front of us.  To the side of us was a single huge skyscraper behind us, more desert from the right, and the arctic tundra to the left.

"We don't know yet but I think it's some death chamber or something," said Scathach, scaring the wits out of me.  I looked around and found that Keefe, Alex, Josh, and Sophie Foster were still passed out.  Aifoe and Scathach both had their swords out and were looking around nervously.

"We should get going soon," Scathach said.  We waited a few more minutes for everyone to wake up and then set off toward the jungle, where there was sure to be food, water, and shade.  Just as we were almost to the jungle, a huge beam of light shot up behind the jungle.  We decided to head there in hope of seeing a person.

"Did you feel that," Josh asked as a light tremor shook the ground.  Then another one shook.  This one was a bit more violent.  Then suddenly three figures appeared out of the ground, floating and finally stopping when they were hovering above the ground.

"So the great Percy Jackson has come to face us," said the middle figure who was enveloped in gray mist.  He raised his hands in an odd motion and then flung three blasts at us Scthach and Aifoe were already there deflecting the mist.  Before the figure on the right could react, all the mist slammed into her and she dissolved into mist.

The figure on the right growled and summoned what looked like white fire and flung it at us.  We all retreated and I was about to douse it with water when Sophie said, "It can't be extinguished," she said, almost like she knew what I was doing.  Both of the figures kept on laughing until they saw a golden portal halfway through their bodies.

"Bye, bye," Josh said as he closed the portal and half of their bodies disappeared.  Before we could celebrate the fire surged bigger and we hurriedly teleported out of there.  I don't know about Annabeth, but I was hoping we could finally have some rest.  As soon as that though passed my mind I heard Rachel's voice in my head saying, "Trust me, you're done.  You can relax."

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