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Percy's POV

"Whoa, wait for a second, let's sit down and talk about this.  First of all, where is this dimension and what is it called?" I asked curiously.

"Well we call it the land of stories but it's also known as the fairy tale world and for as where it is we have no clue," explained Conner, "We recently defeated a group of bad guys from stories and we recruited an army from my stories to stop them." 

" Okay you guys wait there while we think some things out," Annabeth said and dragged me over to my room.  "Do you think Chiron would be okay if brought them to camp?"

"Well, let's just ask him," I said, found a golden drachma, and then went to the kitchen sink to IM him.  Conner and Alex went over to see what we were doing.  "Iris, O Goddess of the rainbow please accept my offering, Chiron at Camp-Half Blood" and threw the coin into the rainbow.  Suddenly through the mist, we saw Chiron.  Conner and Alex didn't even look fazed by the fact of seeing a centaur.  

"Okay, Chiron would it surprise you if we just met two kids who say they are from the fairytale world," I asked.  Chiron suddenly looked a lot older than before and his voice sounded weary as he said we should bring them to camp he also said that if you met any other different people we should also take them back to camp.  "Okay, well see you in a little bit," and with that, I turned off the water and disconnected the line.

"Well I said looks like we're going to be taking you back to camp," I said, "Oh, I also forgot to mention this is Annabeth, my girlfriend, and my name is Percy and we're children of the gods!"

Annabeth's POV

"I am a daughter of Athena, and Percy is the son of Poseidon," I explained to Alex and Conner who looked like we were delusional. "What?  Just a second ago you were saying you live in the fairytale world!"

"Well, when you put it like that I guess it's sort of believable. I mean, after all, our friend froggy met Medusa through a mirror, but that's a story for another time.  So when are we leaving?" Conner asked.

"We were planning on leaving at 10:00 and it's eight right now, so I guess we can help you defeat these villains then we'll leave.  Do you know where they went after you came up here?" I asked.  I was hoping they would come up and follow them that way they could only attack us one at a time.  Sadly all that hope vanished when Alex told them they were at central park and were probably still there arguing.  "Well, let's get going.  Can you teleport us over there," I asked.

"Sure," Everyone formed a circle and suddenly they disappeared.  The sensation felt like she was a cloud and had a feeling she would need to throw up as soon as she arrived.  Then the sensation disappeared as quick as it had started and then threw up on the knight behind her.  Wait that isn't right.  This must have been one of the bad guys she was talking about.  Before she could yell out Percy uncapped Riptide and sliced him up before he could register what was happening.

"Well one down and a whole lot more to go," Percy grumbled and I kissed him as a thank you. We started down the path when it suddenly opened out into the clearing with a pond in the middle.  Then suddenly I noticed the army off to the sides hiding in the shade of the trees.  Suddenly they spotted us and came out of the trees and came toward us.  The mortals rand directly away from them.  The mist probably made them think they were navy seals or something.  Then they raised their weapons and charged.

Percy's POV

"That's supposed to be an army," I asked in amusement.  I was pointing to the hundred weird scorpion/spider hybrids.  I had recently swam into the river Styx but lost from going into the Roman camp but I still can heal quicker than usual.  I felt the surging power of the pond and decided to use it to my advantage just then the lake went in front of each of the hybrids then all the water splashed into them and distracted them for a moment while I went and destroyed the whole first line of hybrids in a couple of seconds and saw them falling randomly and knew Annabeth must have turned invisible and was slowly picking them off.

I do not own any characters by Chris Colfer, I only own the characters that I create.

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