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A/N: This book takes place after the Keeper of the lost cities 8

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A/N: This book takes place after the Keeper of the lost cities 8.5 book

Percy's POV

"Look at the time! We still have half an hour left so you want to go back to the apartment and play a game," I suggested. When we got there I brought out a board game and we started playing. It was me and Annabeth vs. Conner and Alex. We won by one point, thanks to Annabeth, and then it was time to leave. We went over to a little diner called Darin's dinner and dessert shack to eat something before we left.  It had red booths along the sides and a cooking space in the middle with a serving window and a bar on the other side.

"Keefe!" someone yelled out as the door swung open.  Keefe stood frozen in shock then moved out of the doorway just in time before it hit him.  He slowly walked over to what he assumed was a couple since they were holding hands.  As Keefe sat down the couple started bombarding him with questions.  I sort of felt bad for him. We continued eating until like a foghorn in my head I hear the word: Silveny!! Keefe is here with me!! 

"Did you hear that," I whispered to Annabeth.  Then suddenly my mind was filled with the image of the two people with Keefe greeting us. TRUST!  Wow, how did that get in my mind?  Suddenly I saw an image of what looked like a unicorn that had wings.  Just then they walked over to us I already hand on Riptide when they started walking over and just took out it when they stopped at our table.

"Hi," the girl said cheerfully, "My name is Sophie, and this is my boyfriend Fitz and my friend Keefe.  What's your name?"

Annabeth's POV

"My name is Annabeth, this is my boyfriend Percy and these two people are Conner and Alex who live in another dimension, and Percy and I are children of the gods," I explained politely.

"Annabeth!! Please tell me you had a good reason than just to surprise them and paralyze them."Percy asked and started waving his hand in front of their face.  Finally, after 12 times, they came out of their shock to stop Percy's hand.

"Oh. I forgot to mention, we are elves from the lost cities," Sophie explained.  I had a sudden thought of them shirking into Santa's little elves from the north pole.  "And no we do not look like that we look like regular humans.  And no I wasn't reading your thoughts. It's just because that's exactly how I thought of them."

"These must be the different beings Chiron was talking about.  Can you guys come over outside and we'll explain who we are and all that other stuff," I negotiated. They nodded and we all walked to the door.  Once we were out the door we explained how everything had happened with the Titans and Gaea and the giants.  Conner and Alex also explained their part of the story.

"So let me get this straight," Keefe said, pointing to Percy, " Your dad is a god," and then pointing to me he continued and said, " Your mom is a goddess," then lastly he pointed to Conner and Alex and said, "Your grandma is the fairy godmother and you live in another dimension." when we all nodded he calmed down just a little bit.  When they explained their part of their story our story didn't seem as outrageous.  We all hopped in the truck while Percy did little tricks with the water outside.  One of the times he did an impressive trick with a nearby pond and made it turn into a Lambo and made it race through the cars until it was too far ahead and the water vanished.

"Aren't you supposed to be paying attention to the road," I asked as I leaned in to kiss him.

"I am, Ever heard of multitasking. I just so happen to be good at it.  Just then a car ran a light and with quick reflexes, Percy steered the car away and we kept going on our way as if nothing happened.  While we were up close to the Eiffel Tower I explained to them how Olympus was up there and I was redesigning it.  In a couple of minutes, the scenery changed to the path down to Camp Half-Blood.

I do not own any characters by Shannon Messenger, I only own the characters I create.

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