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A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter.  I promise the next one will be longer!

3 Days Later: Fitz POV

This part of the Forbidden Cities is cooler than I even imagined. First Sophie gives me a tour of the Empire state building, and some other exciting places. Also, this was my first time having pizza and I must say it is probably the best thing I ever had. It was cheesy and hard at the same time with some yummy fruit on top of it that Sophie called Pineapple. I also tried a dessert called Apple pie. It was so good I would have at more but Sophie threatened me with this absolutely disgusting thing called broccoli. So far I can not think of a better week I have had.

We only had two days left of our trip so I decided to surprise her by making something. I quickly found the recipe for making rice Krispies. They looked like the best thing there so I figured to give it a try. After an hour of explosions of white stuff called flour and this thing being super hot and the whole kitchen being super messy, I finally made the "Rice Krispies" and it even sort of looked like the picture! After cleaning up the mess I went to the computer to book a thing that goes on water and has a ton of fun activities and decided to try it. As soon as Sophie woke up she was absolutely surprised and kissed me for thanks, and we started digging in on the Rice Krispies. The rest of the day we spent on the boat. It was so much fun we bought a little device called a camera and took pictures so we could show everyone when we got back. Our fingers entwined we walked over to a little diner called Darin's dinner and dessert shack. We had just ordered food when a familiar face came through the door.

"Keefe," Sophie exclaimed. Then she ran over and then came back with Keefe and he sat down. "What are you doing here, I got your letter but didn't expect you to be here." After she finally calmed down enough to stop scolding him I asked him how he stayed here and why he was here.

"SOPHIE!,FITZ!,KEEFE!,FRIENDS!,VISIT!" exclaimed Silveny. I jumped straight out of my chair, extremely shocked. By the looks of the others faces it looked like they also received the transmission. Right after that an image appeared in my head of us greeting some random people in the diner. I didn't understand why she put and was about to protest when Silveny said to trust her then finally I caved in and we all went over to the table and introduced ourselves.  Just then the girl named Annabeth said, "Oh I forgot to mention, Conner and Alex are from another dimension and Percy and I are children of the Gods!"

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