🇮🇹 Chapter 12. Dilemma

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'I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.'

The femme snorted. 'You don't trust me.' I blocked her way. 'I do. I trust you and I am sorry. You're right, I shouldn't done what I did. Can you forgive me? Give me a second change?' I offered her a smile but she didn't return. 'Sky, come on. You can't stay mad at me. Ratchet is a good doctor, what you discuss is confidential,' he said. 'Mirage, he's your doctor too. He's your species... if you want information, you will get it from him. I won't let you use him to gain information about me. Since when do friends lie?'

I sucked in a breath. 'Fine... yes. That was my goal and I am sorry.' He reached for my face and brushed some strands behind my ear. 'I care about you. A lot. It's in my nature to get information, that's all. I've been a spy for a couple of thousands years,' I said. She stepped back. 'Don't do it again. Got it?' I nodded and watched her walk off. I really pissed her off this time. She's smart. My techniques don't work on her but there are so many question marks.
She's a hitman. She knows a lot about infiltration and gaining information. The way she got that tape in just a matter of days amazed me. She would a great a spy.

((Sky's P.O.V))
Megatron was right. Mirage is getting too close tintje truth. I'm spying on him, to see what he knows. I sat down on a bench and rubbed my face. It's my own fault. I never should've allowed to get so close. The things I told him should've stayed a secret. 'Sky?' I jumped on my feet. Ironhide approached me and eyed me for a brief second before speaking up; 'Don't you want to help me check the weapons?' I nodded. 'Sure.'

We walked in silence and when we got in the training room, it was filled with crates. 'You're really good at what you're doing, Sky. I really admire your strength and spirit, but you're a little tensed. Maybe you should try to relax a little,' he stated. I nodded and walked up to the first crate. 'Hey, Ironhide?' He hummed while opening the lit with his knife. 'Could you tell me why Megatron decided to betray Prime?'

'It's a king history, honestly, but Megatron did a lot of awful stuff. He kept it a low profile. No one knew he was behind mass murders, fraud, several assassination attempts to kill Prime. The two were pretty close, but Megatron disagreed with the system. He tried to change it in how he wanted it to be. Killed a lot of Autobots and Decepticons. On the other hand, he had a lot of followers.'

'Had?' Ironhide nodded. 'Yes, we got several loyal ones, like Starscream, Knockout, Brawl, Soundwave... Shockeave but some got scared and fled. They fear to be murdered my Megatron.' I sat down on one of the crates. 'He lies, he manipulates... he's cruel and hurt people in the most awful ways imaginable.' I took in the new amount of information. 'That's why it's so important for us to find him,' he added. I nodded slowly.

I know all about Megatron's plans, his ideas. What he has on his agenda. I've even access to their database. I could be an asset for them if I wasn't loyal to Megatron. Although, it made me wonder if I had chosen the right side. Back then, I didn't had much choice, but the Autobots are clearly different than the Decepticons. Nicer and more like an actual family.

I got up and turned towards the crates. 'Why are you so interested?' I sighed and picked up a riffle. 'Because I heard stories and I wanted to know what an—' I cut myself off. 'What Autobot has to say about it?' I nodded slowly. 'We never wanted this war and we were totally aware of how unfair the system was. We were on the road of changing it, but that's not something we could've done in one day. Especially Prime was really invested in changing it as soon as Sentinal would step up. He believed in the system.'

'Because he's a traitor?'

Ironhide frowned. 'What?' I stared at Ironhide. They didn't know? I thought they knew. 'I thought Sentinal was a traitor,' I said, turning away to check some other weapons. There was a silence before Ironhide spoke up. 'How do you know that? Sentinal wasn't a traitor. He made one printje greatest invention,' he stated. The Autobots are clueless. If they don't even know what their 'old' Prime did, how can they possibly win this war. I stopped in my tracks. Did I want them to win this war now?

'I'm sorry. I thought he was a traitor.' I turned back to Ironhide. 'No! He was not a traitor,' he stated. Megatron needed an inside guy. He met with Sentinal several times and came to an agreement. I know all about his invention and that Sentinal killed Ultra Magnus because he figured it out. It made me feel sorry for them. Everything they believed in was a lie.

'I'm sorry.' He waved his hand dismissively. 'We are out numbered, everyone knows it.' I bit my lip. I know how many Decepticons are still alive and where they are. Although the Autobots outnumbered, so many Decepticons aren't left. They make a good change. The fact they're left in the unknown makes them vulnerable. 'You're okay?'

I nodded and focused on my work. 'Mirage likes you, huh?' I snorted and shook my head. 'I bet,' I scolded. 'Don't take it personally if he digs into your life. It's what he does and he misses some excitement. He's so excited you're here. I haven't seen him that happy in a very long time. He can't shut up about you.' I huffed and looked down at the riffle in my hands. What on earth am I doing with my life?

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