🇮🇹 Chapter 11. Valuation

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'Ratchet? Can I have a quick word with you?'

The medic nodded and laid his pen down,— gesturing told me to come in and shut the door. 'This is about the femme, Sky?' I sat down and slumped back. 'Yes...' he trailed off. 'As you know... her history is a blank space in many ways and I don't like that. I want to know where she comes from, who her parents were, who raised her after they died... she doesn't talk about it and I can't find her in the database. I'd like it if you ran some test and take some blood. Try to see if something pops up in the database,' I said. 'It's confidential,' he said while folding his hand. 'I thought you trusted her...' he added. 'I do... at some point but she has certain traits that worries me. She's not raised with love and affection, lacks of social skills and is quite cold. Now, I am not saying she's some sort of psychopath, but I do want to know why she is the way she is. She's smart but so am I.'

Ratchet hummed softly. 'Could you please try?' Ratchet sighed. 'I can take some blood, look into her medical records but I can't share those files with you without her permission,' he warned. 'It's important, Ratchet. I need to know where she comes from,' I stated. 'And I understand. I'll take some blood and run it through the database,' he said. I gave a small nod. 'Please...'

He sighed. 'Fine. Just go. I have work to do and I will see Sky at 10.' He waved me off. 'Thank you.' I got up and left the room. On my way to the hanger, I saw the femme. 'Hey...' I softly touched her back, which she didn't like. A nasty glare followed. 'What?' I asked. She stepped back. 'I don't like to be touched,' she muttered. 'Sorry.' I flashed her a smile. 'What are you up too?' She asked suspiciously. I blinked. 'Why do you assume I am up to something?' I asked. 'I don't know. I get the vibe your busy with something,' she replied. 'Oh no... just some cases, that's all.' I brushed it off. 'What are your plans for today?'

'Well, I am going to cancel my meeting with Ratchet...' she trailed off. I raised a brow. 'Why? It's required,' I said. She showed me a piece of paper. 'I am already checked up by a doctor. This statement is official so I'll hand it in at Lennox's office in a bit,' she replied. 'Oh...' I said slowly. My entire plan just fell apart. 'Ratchet is a good doctor,' I trailed off. 'I bet...' was all she said and passed. She didn't want to face Ratchet for some reason.

I walked into Lennox's office later that day. 'Did Sky show up?' I asked. 'Yeah... to give her medical statement,' he said. 'Can I see it?' He reached for his 'organized' paperwork and pulled it out. I turned while reading it briefly. 'Does Ratchet know this doctor?' I asked. 'I don't know, Mirage. I haven't talked to Ratchet today,' Lennox sighed. I hummed and walked out of the door. Something wasn't right and I couldn't figure out what it was.

I knocked on his office door before walking in. 'Do you know a doctor called: Dr. James Bennett?' Ratchet needed a moment to think. 'No, I don't. Why?' I handed him the piece of paper. 'Sky is checked over by another doctor,' I muttered. 'Yeah, I know.' He placed it down. 'That's not supposed to happen. This is all suspicious. Why doesn't she want you to check her up?' I scowled and sat down with a grunt.

'Maybe you're making too much of a problem out it, Mirage. Why don't you trust her out of the sudden?' He asked. 'Because... I want to fully trust someone. I want to know if I can open myself up. How can I trust her if I don't know anything about her? It's suspicious she doesn't show up in the database. You can't deny that...' he said. Ratchet slumped in the chair. 'I think your overreacting.'

I rolled my eyes. 'What do we actually know about her? Do you know who took her? What kind of injuries she has had... do you even know her blood type?' Ratchet couldn't answer any of these questions. 'I can try to take some blood but... I doubt she will donate. I do know her blood type because she filled it in on her medical form before she got here. B negative, for if you wondered but... I can't do anything without her consent.'

I sighed and got up. 'Well, thank you for your time.' I walked up to the door. 'Relax, Mirage. Does she really seem like the type of girl to betray you?' He asked. 'That's the entire point, Ratchet. I don't want to be betrayed again. It happened enough, don't you think?' Ratchet didn't reply. His idea of superior isn't exactly what I am looking for.

I searched for Sky and found her in the gym. She seemed really occupied. I cleared my throat. Startled, she turned. 'Jeez, you're giving me ahead attack,' she snapped. I smiled wryly. 'I am sorry, I uh... shall I come back another time.' She wiped some sweat off her face. 'What's the pointing coming back later now you're here?' She asked.

'Why didn't you let Ratchet do the valuation?'

A frown spread over her face. 'You don't trust me?' She sounded angered. 'No, no... of course I trust you. It's just... ratchet is a very good doctor. I just wondered if you don't feel comfortable or whatever...' I muttered. She snorted and snitched her bottle of water off the bench. 'Stop your bullshit, Mirage! You don't trust me! You wanted Ratchet to do the valuation so you could get more information about my background,' she spat. 'Sky, please—' she cut me off. 'I get it... you don't trust me anymore after what I told you!' Sky spat out before she pushed me aside and stormed out of the gym.

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