🇮🇹 Chapter 1. The beginning

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It was frantic Christmas shopping season in Missoula, Montana. I stood in the crowded hardware section of Wallmark with Barricade close behind. I guess we both hated Christmas. I searched desperately for an exit. A bunch of guys pushed me aside. Barricade grabbed my arm, helping me to find my balance again. 'Who's idea was it again?' I scowled. Barricade had a permanent scowl on his face as he pushed me through the crowd like his personal shield. 'Do we even have everything?' I asked. 'No, we don't but this drives me crazy and I am on verge of asking Starscream to drop a missile,' he snarled.

I sighed and managed to get on the ground floor without getting pushed off the stairs. 'I want to set the damn tree on fire.' I stared at the colorful and large tree. The central point of Wallmark. A tree that was supposed to give people so much joy. 'Me too...' I mumbled. Barricade glanced at me. 'Why do people celebrate this again?' I asked. 'Something with religion. Christian celebration. The birth of Jesus,' he said. I hummed. 'But some humans celebrate it even if they don't believe,' he added. 'You keep surprising me, you know that?' Barricade snorted, 'I proactively raised you. I was forced to learn about human habits,' he mocked. 'Bullshit. You never raised me the human way. I am basically a cybertronian stuck in a human body,' I mocked.

Barricade shrugged. 'The music is annoying though.' Barricade agreed. 'Come on, let's leave this horrible place. I can't hear jingle bells one more time,' he sneered. I followed him and we paid. 'Merry Christmas, sir.' The man behind the check out said with a smile on his face. 'You can stick those Christmas balls in your ass!'

Barricade shot him a nasty glare and gestured for me to follow him. 'You know, we are supposed to keep a low profile,' I said. He shot me a glare. I repressed the dream of setting the tree on fire before hopping in his alt-mode. 'I love the silence,' Barricade sighed, slumping back. 'Same, let's go home.' The mech started his engine and drove back home. It wasn't much. Just an old base no one uses anymore. It was located deep in the forest and the nuclear bunker made it a perfect hideout.

I am raised by the Decepticons. Megatron saved me as a baby. I never knew my parents, they had died. Barricade drove into the bunker and came to a stop. 'Took you two long enough,' Crowbar sulked. 'It's Christmas, Crowbar. It was busy,' I said without looking up. 'Ugh, I hate human celebrations,' he scowled. 'Me too.' I helped Barricade with taking out the bags and bringing them to the storage room.

'You can tell Mixmaster we don't have everything. We will go back after Christmas. I bet the Autobots aren't looking for it. They're probably celebrating Christmas with the humans,' he scoffed. I snorted, 'yeah, I bet. It's all they care about.' I walked off and searched for the crazy scientist. He was busy in his lab and hadn't noticed me. Mixmaster usually doesn't give a shit about me and it wouldn't be the first time he nearly steps on me.


He responded immediately. 'Jeez, why did it take so long for you to get back!' He snapped. I looked up to the tall mech. 'It's Christmas, remember? People are buying a lot of stuff. We don't have everything but we will go back after Christmas,' I said. He approached and crouched down, some steam emerged from his nose. 'Really? You're worthless, Skyfall. Absolutely worthless. You had one job,' he snapped. 'Why don't you go to Wallmark. Then you'll understand,' I mocked. He narrowed his blood-red optics at me. 'Don't talk to me that way, human,' he snarled. 'Enough, Mixmaster.' Megatron strode in. 'Lord Megatron...' I greeted. 'She didn't get what I asked for.'

Mixmaster got up. 'I got most of it. It's Christmas holidays. Barricade and I were going nuts but we will go back after Christmas,' I said. Megatron accepted my answer and waved me off. I retreated to the small cafeteria this base had and sat down. I looked at the group of holoforms before I sat down myself. The room was always cold, dark, and far from cozy. I know the Decepticons aren't cozy but there's something between cold and cozy. Maybe repaint the walls white. Perhaps some new lamps and it will look ten times better.

'Look who we got here. You're back doll?' I rolled my eyes. 'Piss off, Starscream,' I scowled. To annoy me even more, he sat down next to me and stole my snack. 'What do you want?' I snapped, trying to snitch my snack back. 'Heard you messed up again?' I shot him a glare. 'It's 16 December you asshole. It's nearly Christmas. People are buying stuff like maniacs. One, we couldn't get everything because most of it was already sold out, and second of all, we were sick of it. Go yourself if you know it all well,' I snapped.

'In comparison with you, I did something good today.' I rolled my eyes. 'You want Megatron's position. You're walking after him like a cyber puppy,' I snapped. 'I injured an Autobot. I am going to score points, Megatron will love to hear this,' he trailed off. 'Oh, wow, you injured an Autobot. Means he's still alive you jackass,' I scoffed. He shot me a glare. 'There's a difference between killing and injuring,' I added with a low growl. He shrugged and popped 'my' food in his mouth.

'Get that smug look off your ugly face,' I groused. 'Is my bunny in a bad mood because you messed it up?' He taunted. I shook my head and looked outside at the snowy forest landscape. I looked back at him. 'Where?' He raised a brow before smirking. 'Since when did you become so interested?' He teased arrogantly. 'Where, Starscream?' I snapped. 'A couple of miles North.'

'You're an idiot!' I shouted at him and jumped back on my feet. 'You haven't reported this to Megatron?' I snapped. He raised a brow. 'No, not yet—' I stormed off. That idiot. He should've killed the Autobot. Now, this Autobot knows there's activity around here. I started to sprint and searched for Megatron. 'Lord Megatron?' I asked,— completely out of breath. 'What is it, Skyfall?'

'We might have a problem, sir. Starscream injured an Autobot. A couple of miles north from here but he let him escape. This Autobot will tell the others about it. They're going to search the area for sure. It might bring this entire base in danger.' The warlord narrowed his optics while steam escaped from his nose. 'Idiot,' he scowled and got up. 'Where is he?' He hissed, marching off.

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