🇮🇹 Chapter 8. Christmas eve

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'Are you sure you don't wanna come?'

I turned around. Mirage was nicely dressed in a suit and tie. 'No.' I grabbed a riffle. 'You know I hate Christmas,' I muttered. 'But if I leave, you're alone. Not really a Christmas spirit,' he said. 'I wanna be alone. You like it so I am not gonna take that from you. Just go.' I waved him off. The mech walked up to me and reached for my face, brushing some dark blonde strands behind my ear. A dark blush crept up on my face and it barely happens. Why does Mirage keep making me feel this way. Sometimes it felt like my heart was skipping a beat.

'Are you sure?'
I suddenly started to doubt my decision. If Christmas wouldn't be an issue, I would've said yes. I nodded, 'yeah,
just go and have some fun.' He sighed and leaned in, kissing my cheek before turning around. 'Mirage?' He turned around. I walked up to him and redid his tie. 'You almost got it.' He snorted and smiled softly. 'Thank you, signora.'

He walked off and I turned back to the weapons. Around 10 PM, I headed back to my room. It was quiet, too quiet in the hangers and hallways. I took a shower and dressed up in comfy clothes. I was disturbed half an hour later. I slid off the bed and opened the door. Mirage smiled charmingly. 'No music, no decorations, no Christmas talk, just having some dinner.' He held up a tray.

I stepped aside to let him in. He placed it down and removed his jacket,— rolling up the sleeves of his blouse. We settled on my bed. 'This is good.' He smirked a little. 'I know.' I took another bite. 'So, I am dying to know more about you.' I glanced at me. 'My life is complicated, but honestly, I am dying to know more about you.'

'Alright, I ask one question and then you can ask me a question. Fair?' I nodded. 'Go ahead,' I said. 'Alright, I'll start simple. Do you have drive license?' I nodded. 'I do, but I don't have a car. How did you get your Italian accent?'

'I got it when I scanned this car. Not my choice but the ladies love and I actually start to like it too. Favorite food?'
'Hmm, I think I go for pizza, who doesn't love pizza, huh? Favorite music?'
'I don't have favorite music. I just listen to everything on the radio, but I do hate opera and classic,' Mirage said.
'Parents?' He asked. I shook my head. 'My parents died when I was little. I never really knew them. I ended up as an orphan. I never really stayed in one place and got the change to make friends. I was very isolated from everyone and everything. The people I grew up with... were harsh and had high hopes.'

'They abused you?'
'Sometimes, yes.'
'Whatever about you?'

He sighed. 'I had a good home. Lovely mother and a good dad. My mother was murdered and my father went missing when I was young. I was broken because of her death and I wanted revenge. I became a spy because of that.'
'Did you get your vengeances or...?' I trailed off. 'No, I didn't get it but I did play a big role in the war.'
'I am sorry for your loss...'
'Yeah, me too...'

'So, is that the reason why you hate Christmas?'
'Yeah... I was six years old when I first got notice of Christmas. We never really came in the cities. I was excited about it but someone didn't. He hurt me, yelled at me. He broke my arm, so...' I trailed off. 'Why did you never leave when you were older?'

'I couldn't. They would find me if I would try something. No, I stayed and did a few things for them. Which I am not proud off...' Mirage popped some food in his mouth. 'Like what?' I shrugged. 'You're a spy, didn't you look into my files already?' I asked. 'I did, but you got never caught by anyone, so you did something right and I am curious to figure out what.'

'But it stays between us?'

'I am not a cop. I can't arrest you, but I am a spy and I'd like to get answers. Usually, I would dig into peoples life and stuff but I don't want to spy on you.'
'I am a hitman...'
'You kill people?'
'Yeah, the people who 'raised' me aren't a particular role model. Like I said, I am not proud to be a hitman.'
'How many did you kill?'

'Hundreds. Sometimes I blew up entire buildings... or planes. I didn't put it on my CV, it wouldn't really look good,' I mocked quietly. Mirage was quiet. 'Did I scare you?' He looked up and shook his head. 'You got any targets here?' I shook my head. 'No, just working for Lennox, that's all,' I replied. 'Well, I guess we both have many secrets.' A smile crept up on his face. 'I bet your secrets aren't as dark and twisted as mine. You deserved better but I have to admit that you're a good spy.'

'Thanks.' He smiled softly. 'But I bet you didn't deserve to go through through hell either.' I shrugged. 'I never had anyone that made me smile before but you're really good at it. I think I like it you don't know me that well. Means you won't run or judge me. Sometimes secrets are good.'
'You think? Why do you think I would judge you?'
'You will if you knew the full story and I don't want to lose the only person I feel save with. I don't want you to look at me differently.'

'You just told me you're a hitman. What can possibly be worse?' He mocked. I smiled nervously. 'I will tell you a lot till a certain point,' I stated. 'What if I figure it out?' He purred sexily. 'I don't think you can. It's something that's only saved in my mind. It's my... memory and there's no way you are able to figure it out. I guess you've to trust me.'

'Hoe can I trust you if I don't know the full story? I am an open book. You can ask me anything you'd like.' I smiled softly. Mirage didn't understand the seriousness of the situation. I did. I started to fall for him. I started to fall in love with an Autobot. It's wrong but I can't deny it. Megatron will kill me for this.

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