met at the playground

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*arimefu's POV*

I loved the playground so much I mostly went everyday.
My favorite part was the slide. And I wouldn't never let another kid have it.
So currently today I am going to the park even though I am 15.
I mean what's wrong with being a teenager and going to the park where children play I mean it's a lovely place.

I went straight to the slide once I got there and kept going down. I fought with some kids but I always won the slide over. I continued for an hour but got tired and sat on a swing instead.
I sat there rethinking life until I saw a shadow approach me, I look up to see a young boy around my age staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked trying to interrupt the awkward silence.

He stared at me and finally spoke up and looked embarrassed "oh sorry I just spaced out" he said embarrassed.

"I just thought you looked lonely so I thought I could introduce myself to you" he said as we locked eye contact.
I stared at him a few moments before I spoke, "Well I'm fine really you don't need to hang out with me" I said to get rid of him. He played with his fingers and then sat onto the swing next to mine. I crossed my arms and leaned away a inch from him.

"Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable" he said awkwardly. "Your alright" I said not to be mean.
I stared and gave him an examination, he had messy red dyed hair and scraped up knees with old band aids on them. "Fall off the monkey bars or something?" I asked while pointing at his knees.

"No actually I tripped while skating here" he said tinkering with his half peeled band aid. "Oh" I said curiously.

"It's not that bad" he said looking back up at me. "Well it looked like it did" I said chuckling a bit. He chuckled as well as we swung back and forth slightly. "I never caught your name" he said with curiosity. "Oh its arimefu" I answered, "that's a pretty name mine is Latin" he answered back.

"Nice but I want well I mean need to go home now" I say while awkwardly chuckling. "Oh well bye arimefu" he said while waving. I waved back and started to walk off.

While walking I stared back at him.
He is kind, I hope I see him again someday but probably not.

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