Where it begins

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*Ari's POV*

I'm heading to Latins house today. I have never been to his house before, I obviously was nervous considering the fact that I like him but I can't tell him because Shaina from the carnival reached me on Instagram and told me more than she wanted to. I was a bit heartbroken because I don't want to hurt shaina but I also don't wanna hide my feelings forever, I assumed her love for him would die down in a bit so I guess I could wait. Latin and I are bestfriends and I'm glad.

I made it to his house on my skateboard and I stood there in shock and maybe without noticing my mouth was opened and my jaw was to the floor, WAS IS IT YOU ASK?....THIS KID IS WEALTHY! "omg" I said in shock. At the corner of my eye I saw latin in the window looking down at me. "Hey!" He yelled down. "H-hey.." I said nervously, idk what to do he has a massive house and I'm standing here like I just seen a ghost. "I'll be right there, just wait" he said like he was in a hurry. "Okay" i said while side tracked. So tell me why this kid has a fountain in his front large yard with a bird spitting out water, I mean is he secretly a famous actor, or worse a singer?

"Hey, come on in, don't just stand there" he said signaling me in. "Alright" I said cautious while walking towards the front door. "Big isn't it?" He said while smiling
"Yeah" I said with a sour face. I mean this kid got like gold in his home, like excuse me, me and my dad have wood and fake marble fr come on!
"So I'm gonna make us some food, are you allergic to anything?" He said, "uh...no" I said. "Well you can go upstairs if you like" he directed me to the upstairs, "okay" I said as I awkwardly walked up the stairs, "third door on the left" he said with a smile, ari get upstairs before he notices your blushing, I go upstairs slowly step by step as I look at the paintings on the side, then is topped on one picture with latin, his hair faintly red as his mom's hair was red too, but it was so strange, he never mentioned he had married parents, I thought he only had his dad, or maybe I got the story wrong, but he looked so happy, as she cuddled him and they were laughing. "Looking at my pictures?" Latin said behind me making me jump, "sorry didn't mean to startle you're said with a soft chuckle, "It's fine" I said as I took a deep breath in and noticed he made cookies.......nevermind......gross......raisen cookies.... "uhhh" I said as I gave him a little disgusted look, "don't worry these aren't ours, our dogs like raisens, we have chocolate chip in the oven now, wanna meet Remy and uh my dog eh heh, ari?" He soft chuckled "hm?" I replied confused, "no I mean my dogs name is ari, but it's short for Arianna, not arimefu" he started to laugh and I smiled back, that's cute. He led me to their backyard, revealing flowers and a huge garden, two dogs came running up and I kinda froze from fear, they both started barking at me as Latin calmed them down, "Arianna, Remy, this is arimefu, she's our friend okay?" He said in a lightened voice as if he were talking to a baby, Remy was a bull dog as Arianna was a Australian Shepard, Arianna approached me and started to sniff my hand and legs, she even looked up at me and then walked away to lay down, Latin looked up at me and his faint smile grew bigger as we both saw the same thing of Arianna, I smiled at him and seeing him smile was amazing, but we don't talk about that, I felt warm inside that day I know that. After awhile me and Latin decided to run in the yard with the dogs, as me and Latin were playing with Remy, Arianna rams into Latin, shoving him tot he ground, I started to laugh as he laughed in pain, "really ari?" He said, I started to chuckle as I looked at him play wresting with her, wow....he's.....NO!

Me and Latin felt so tired we both stumbled to the ground laughing, as we both started to calm down we both both turned to eachother as we smiled, "thanks for coming out ari!" He said as he stared into my eyes,
"Of course latin!" I said smiling, we stared at eachother for a minute, his smile fainted as if he were admiring me, I looked like that back, after our moment started, I got a call from my dad, "shit, I have to go, I'm sorry" I said rushing up, "you're fine ari" he said as I helped him up, "we should hangout again like this, I had fun!" He said as he side hugged me.

I went home that day with my heart full and rose cheeks like tomatoes, Latin was officially my crush, move shaina, Latin stole my heart. This is arimefu signing off.

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