a year later

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It's been a year since I saw that boy at the park. I mean like I said I wouldn't see him again. I remember him and think of him because he's the only person who talked to me really. I was technically an outcast. In school I got picked on for my clothes and style for the most of it. I just ignore the hate because I never got into a physical fight before in my life.

Well instead of the childhood trauma, let's go to the current day shall we.
I lived in a small house in a dangerous neighborhood where kids sell drugs or just beat eachother up. I live with my father and as an only child. He tries his best but he isn't the nicest. I have horrible anxiety and barely leave my comfort zone ever no matter what.

I go to a private school called "prep hills academy" where every child would hate to go. Are lunch food had dead flies before and they had to feed us homemade food or just make our own.

That's all in my life I mean I'm boring so you can leave.

{Current day}
I am listening to music in my room and my dad came in and did the usual and hugged me goodbye. I was listening to Melanie martinez "training wheels" at the moment while doing homework. It was summer break but I had to turn in a assignment or I would get flunked by Mrs. Tamara. She was a bitch for the most of it. I had trouble in her class for the whole year but I just shrugged it off and took her extra credit instead. I put my earbuds down and started texting my friends to hang out. They barely never answer but I don't care ever.

I decided to end homework and just walk to the park like I always do. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed snacks and drinks and headed off.
I made it to the park and sat at the gazebo to eat. I watched other kids play as I chewed through my sandwich. After eating I went to the slide as expected and went down 5 times before I sat down on the swing to chill. I sat there playing on my phone until a shadow approached me

I looked up to a boy with the same hair as last year. *Ari's mind* this is like deja vu. "hello there" he said as he sat down next to me. "Do I know you?" I asked awkwardly. "No but I recognize you" he said proudly. I stared at him and examined his look. He had red dyed hair with no scraped knees this time. It's the kid from last year I thought.

"I'm sorry I don't recognize you" I said trying to get answers. "It's me Latin from last year" he said smiling at me.
IT WAS HIM I knew it. "Oh well nice to see you again then" I said looking away awkwardly. "How have you been?" He asked in a sweet tone. "I'm okay, you?" I said. "I'm doing well as you" he said while smiling. "I was wondering if you wanted to be friends?" He asked. Wow someone is asking me, ME to be their friend. "Ofcourse you seem nice" I replied.

We shook hands and he asked for my number and I gave it to him and left. He is really nice but I can't believe he asked me to be his friend considering the fact I'm a complete weirdo. Well I now have a friend and his name is latin.

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