he is annoying

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*arimefu's POV*

A few days later from the carnival I mostly stayed inside or went to get coffee with my father. Me and my father are still working on our bond but we are improving that's the good part. I haven't talked to latin lately I mean I shouldn't worry or I'll sound like I'm obsessed. I never text first so it's up to him to make our plans which I feel bad but I don't like barging in people's business for some reason I don't know.

I guess I'll just text him and try something. I guess I'll invite him out for a walk. I mean it's peaceful and quiet. I texted him and waited for a response. I feel like I'm bothering him I don't know why. After a few minutes he texted back. I bit my hand while debating on checking or just leaving it. Screw it, I picked it up and opened it proudly but froze when he agreed. Crap I expected a no. Why did I even ask? Well no turning back cause I don't wanna be rude. Well I'm just gonna get ready and meet up with him then.

*latins POV*
She texted me for once in her life I mean it's very surprising. I'm glad she pushing herself a bit it's cute. Wait what am I saying that's just a bit cheesy. Well deal with it because she is my friend it isn't super weird. I get ready and head out with my skateboard. I ride in style. I'm happy to see her I mean she's kind of always been there when I'm miserable.

I've always read books and took lessons of music and Chinese. But no fun whatsoever. So this is something new to me very much.

*arimefu's POV*

I saw him waiting. Okay here we go. "Latin!" I yelled skating up to him. "Hey there's my bestfriend!" He yelled back. I skated next to him and smiled. He smiled back while swishing the hair to reveal his eyes. His eyes were emerald green but pretty from the sunlight gazing between the trees.

"So ready to walk?" He said while he ties his skateboard to his back. "Oh ofcourse I am" I said while smiling. He laughed and started tying his shoe. I started stretching and tying my skateboard to my backpack. "So have any special plans for this week ari?" He said while we started to walk. "No not at all actually" I said miserable. "Oh well you should come over sometime if you would like?" He asked curious. "I'll think about it" I said slightly agreeing. "Take your time I'd never rush you" he said with a slight smile. I smiled back and we continued to talk while walking. I learned about him taking lessons and reading books and I told him I just wrote fan fiction and watched anime all day.

"So why didn't you go to the carnival?" I asked curiously. "I never went to one and my parents were out of town so I couldn't go" he said miserably. "I'm so sorry but maybe next month you can come with us" I said being polite. "I'd love that thank you" he said happily. He seemed so happy with my ideas and I like that. "Hey wanna grab a snack from the gas station?" He asked looking hungry. "Sure I'm quite hungry myself" I stated. "Ok I'll pay" he said. We went to the gas station and searched around. He slid through the halls being silly while I watched embarrassed. He grabbed my hand trying to make me do it. "Stop" I whispered. "Not a chance arriii" he said. "You look like your high on crack quit" I said aggressively. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the snack isle. He started sliding again. Aaaaaahh I give up. He motioned me to do it too and I shook my head. "Come on party shitter join me!" He said stupidly. Ugh fine I said to myself and I grabbed his hand and he dragged me around to the point I almost fell on the hard rock floor.

"I could get hurt please stop" I said concerned. "Were not gonn-" he said and stopped. And just like that we fell and I hit my head. He rushed up brushing himself off and gave me a helping hand quickly. I took his hand and I got up and shoved him out of my way as I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I scratched my face. How did that happen from hitting the ground directly. Whatever I said and brushed it off. I walked out and he was standing there awkwardly while smiling with our bought snacks.
We walked out and walked silently beside eachother.

"I'm so sorry arimefu that must've hurt alot huh?" He said trying to break the tension. "Yes it did hurt but I can't get mad you were just trying to be nice and have fun" I said trying to be nice. He smiled awkwardly and I smiled back. We walked back and I decided to go home.

But me and him were hanging out again tomorrow because I'm going to his house.

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