cheesy pizza

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*Latins POV*

My names latin and I'm 16 and I live in a 2 leveled house with my sister, me and her fight a lot but she's moving soon so yay for me. We live with my mom. I don't have much friends because we lived in a isolated area.

That changed when I met this pretty girl last year at the Mt. Hays park. She was nice but looked anxious the whole time I spoke to her. This year I saw her in the same spot and decided to get her number and I accomplished. I got a new friend this year.

I went home after her and I texted her,
She left me on opened but I didn't mind because we were technically strangers talking to eachother. I have to say this girl looks like she's full of surprises

{Current day}
I was at home and got ready for my piano lesson. My mom already headed off to work and my sister went out on a date with her boyfriend so I was alone. I sat in my room drawing art until the doorbell rang.

My teacher has arrived. I opened the door and we started are lessons. After she left I went back up and decided to text arimefu. *in text* "hello arimefu it's me Latin, how are you?" I texted. I sat there until it said opened and I expected an answer the next second. It was still on open for 12 minutes so I gave up. Wow she really hates texting then.

I just put my phone down and thought about something. I mean what about calling her?. No that's to fast and rude. Maybe ask her to meet me at the park. Nah she's probably busy that's why she isn't replying. I don't know what to do I'm so bored on summer break. I sat there and sighed. Hmm, I guess I could call my pen pal shemi. He's a friend of mine I guess. I called but no answer. *Sigh* this sucks I hate summer break a bit but school is just the same.

I guess I'll call arimefu I mean what's the harm? I call and she picks up. Yes she answered. She's quiet though. "Hello what do you need?" She asked over the phone. "Hey arimefu it's me Latin do you wanna hang out today?"I asked politely. There was 5 minutes of silence. I waited, "sure when?" She asked anxiously. "Right now!" I said proudly and confident as I could. "Okay where?" She asked again. "The park meet you there also bring your skateboard if you have one" I said and we hung up the call and I got ready.

I put on my baggy black shirt with tan cargo shorts. And I was on my way.

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