The carnival

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*arimefu's POV*

I'm going to the carnival today with my father. He offered and ofcourse I would go! Me and him got ready and made our way to the carnival. When we arrived he started fixing his tie. "Someone is wanting a lady" I mumbled while snickering. He glared at me "get out of the car" he said serious. "Fine" I groaned. I got out and he drove off. "DAD!" I yelled angry. He parked and got out. "You should of seen your face!" He said while laughing. "Not funny dad you scared me" I started tearing up. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said while hugging me. "Let's go ride some rides ari!!" He said while nudging my shoulder. We got our tickets and headed to the zombie attack ride. "Ari can we ride something different?" He asked worried and concerned. "No I want to ride the most vicious ones dad!" I said excited. I started jumping up and down while waiting and the worker said I was full of energy. We got on and it started spinning us around like crazy we started floating. "ARIMEFUUU!" My dad screamed. I laughed

After a few hours we got some food and sat down. "Why all these rides ari it hurts" he groaned. "It's a big place and it tired you out dad" I said while smiling. He smiled back and started eating the food once it arrived. "Wow dad I tired you out" I said worried. "You did but it's fine I need to lose this dad fat anyway" he said patting his stomach. My dad literally has a 6 pack what the hell. "Okay dad whatever you say" I said rolling my eyes at his lies.

After eating my dad said he was going to get something from the car and I could ride as many rides as I can while he's gone. I agreed and we went separate ways. I didn't enter any rides because I needed my dad so I sat on the bench and waited for him.

"Yo arimefu" Someone said. Huh who is this. I look up, oh shit it's Shaina from school. She's nice but I don't talk to her much so not now either. "Ari your more pretty than the last time I seen you, and your braces are gone!" She said all happy. "T-thanks shaina..." I said. My words are so stuttered I'm nervous and sweaty. "May I sit here with you?" She asked politely. No no no "Ofcourse s-shaina" I said. Damn it why did I say that. "Thanks ari" she said and sat down. "Sorry I know you don't know me clearly but it's okay I'm not gonna bite" she said patting my back. I scoot over and try to avoid the conversation but she kept talking. "I'm here alone but I took the city bus so I'm alright" she said sad. "That's nice" I said. "I know you might say no but do you wanna ride some rides with me?" She said nervous but polite. "Yeah that's okay" I said while gaining trust. "You pick first I don't wanna drag you around" she said pointing to all the rides. "The snake bite ride?" I asked curious. "Oh I love that one let's go then" she said guiding me.

We got in line and she asked if I wanted to finish her soda which was really full still. I said yes because it was root beer my favorite. I drank it quick and we got on. She sat next to me and she smiled. Her smile was nice. It started and she put her arms up.

After the ride she gave me a High five. Uhh why a high five. Well whatever I just want to go home. " I have to go meet with my father, see you later" I said trying to leave. "Oh ofcourse good luck oh and here's my number" she said. Wait what! She's giving me what. She gave me her number and I ran off. Nothing I just ran. "Ari where were you it's been 40 minutes" he said concerned. "I was riding some rides like you said" I said lying. "Well come on were going home hopefully you had your fun" he said. Well we went somewhere today and I didn't see latin at all today. But I think I made a new friend!

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