Tres (3)

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👤Amoura |Tiny|
🗓Jan 20th

*continued from last chapter*

"idk you gotta do sumn bout it can't keep ignoring your health" my ma said plating our food onto our plates

"Ik ma but it's not that serious it's not affecting me daily" i shrugged it off and she gave me this dumbfounded expression

"Sakyri listen if you feeling out of body often you need to get that checked don't make me set the appointment up and make sure you go" Pa gave me stern look

"Okay i will" i stared off into space once i snapped back out i was irritated and ready to go home

"Ma pa i gotta go i love y'all" i ran out the door before they could ask me questions

i just needed to be in my own space right now

idk what but my own problems were already to much and then adding more problems by getting in a relationship just don't make nun no betta

Once i got home i took a shower and laid in my bed just going back and forth staring at the wall to the ceiling

my parents called n texted but i had no energy to reply

i knew they were probably worried but i just can't be flooded with questions and concerns at the moment

Soon i fell asleep

-/ Next day

As i was laughing at one of triiggers text i heard a faint knock on the door so i got up to answer it putting my phone in my pocket

looking through the peep hole i seen jayeda and tyriq so i opened the door

"hey" they just kept walking and ain't say nun


"explain" she said


"explain" i questioned moving my neck around

"Triigger" and i snapped my neck towards tyriq and he laughed and turned towards the wall

ima fight this nigga

"Wym" i played coy

"Sakyri do not play with me tell me what y'all got going on" she took a deep breath and sat down

"You must know sumn if you questioning me" i said trying to gather my thoughts

"I wanna hear it from you" she shrugged

"Ight well me and triigger together now" i simply said and she looked at me like a dummy

"Mhm" she nodded as if she didn't care "And that means we can't do this anymore" i told her and she jerked her head up making direct eye contact with me

while Tyriq sat there eating some little bites muffins and watching our interaction

"y-you t- Tyriq can you go" she stuttered over her words and looked at her shoes which were some matte black and white jordan 1s

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