siete (7)~Recovery

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👤Ahjee |Triigger|
🗓February 14th (valentines)

"Size 7 in these" i handed the shoe to the lady and she nodded before walking off

I was out getting some extra gifts for Amoura cause today is Valentines day, she wasn't in the mood but I wanted to make her feel better

she's making progress but very slowly, she can't walk without falling because of how dizzy she is

she barely has any control of her movement in her neck,shoulders,and arms, that results in us helping her move when necessary and get her the things she needs

she's having terrible headaches so she really has just been sleeping

my mom is there with her right now, her parents decided it was better for her to stay with them or me because she has steps and elevators in her apartment building

steps are to much physical movement and elevator causes pressure to the neck as you go up and down

so she chose to stay with me, particularly cause her parents are older and i could help her move around more

i hate to see her that way, and knowing it's not the first time just makes it ten times worse

I just want her to be herself again

"here you go sir" the lady came back handing me the shoes

i had got her the Black Cat Jordan 4s that she had been looking at

my original plans were to go out and have a picnic dinner but knowing her state i'm just gonna cook

probably watch movies or something

"Thank you" i responded heading to the register

"Find everything well" Another lady asked as she bagged the shoes

"yeah" i tapped my card on the screen then put my pin in

she handed me the bag as the receipt printed out

i held my hand out for the receipt but she grabbed a pen writing something on it

"here you go" and i looked on the back to see a number

"nah you can hol on to that" i slid the receipt back to her and walked away

my phone vibrated and i checked it smirking when i seen whose name popped up

My Love❤️

when are you coming home?

Im otw now, need anything?

okay, no thank you

read 2:34

End of conversation

-35 mins later

"Babe i'm home" i yelled locking the door behind myself

when i didn't get a response i put the groceries away for our dinner and sped up the stairs

peeking in the room i seen Amoura sleeping I only smiled before walking backwards out of the room into the hallway slowly pulling the door shut

"baby" she softly spoke causing me to push open the door

"hey babygirl" i walked over to her

"Happy Valentines" i kissed her forehead

"Happy valentines" she sent me a small smile

"I know you can't do much today, but i still wanted to do something for you since its our first valentines together"

"aww you didn't have to do that" she pouted

"I wanted to" i got out of my outside clothes

"thank you though i tried walking when you were gone i think im getting better"

"Amoura don't do that you could get hurt"

"Boy i'm fine see" she waved her hands down her body

"I know, but don't try when nobody is here"

"I'm not a baby but ok" she sucked her teeth clearly irritated

"Ian say you was a baby, but be logical moura"

"yea ok" she scooted under the covers

"lose the attitude" i walked out the room


-don't come for me! i'm tryna finish this story so that i can go onto a new funnier, exciting genre instead of this repeat!

so bare with me while these next chapters will be shorter and a few time jumps

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