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👤Amoura |Tiny|
🗓Feb 7th

I'm pacing the floor waiting for Jayeda to come by

i told her we needed to talk but i'm lowkey nervous cause Jayeda can be crazy asl

I was making some shrimp alfredo cause that's her favorite pasta hopefully she don't get to mad if she eating

i told Triigger what i was doing today so he know if i'm found dead it's cause of her

as i was gonna put the garlic bread she did her usual knock so i put the bread in and went to let her in

taking a deep breath I opened the door slowly

"Hey love" she smiled widely at me as i shut the door, locking it and i automatically felt bad

"Hey" I walked to turn off the stove

"Hm, what's wrong with you" she wrapped her arms around my waist

"Nothing,but we gotta talk"and she hummed

"about" she questioned

i hesitated before answering "Us" i answered quickly

"ight" she shrugged pulling out her phone i plated our food, grabbed some drinks and then sat down

i'm beyond nervous

"thank you" she grabbed her fork and started eating

"so uhh.."

"um so" i didn't know where to start

"girl what spit it out" she laughed

"I decided that we need to end what we have going on, i uh i think its best" i said and i noticed her tighten her grip on the fork

"okay.. why"

"I-I wanna pursue something with someone else"

"okay" she shrugged nonchalantly and went back to eating

"you good" i asked shocked

"yeah why wouldn't i be" she looked at me

"oh I-Idk" i looked at her for any signs of lying but noticed none

"i forced you to come out when you weren't ready and i apologize for that i forced you to leave Triigger and i'm sorry for that" I started eating my food

"I realized what we had was just sex and i didn't wanna let go of that because i felt like it would change our friendship but we gotta let go eventually" she smiled at me

I was really shocked i didn't know what to say.. i didn't think about how it would affect our friendship

i don't wanna lose my best friend

"But Jaye i don't wanna lose you completely, you're my best friend"

at this point neither of us were eating just talking

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