Dos (2) Season 2

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👤David |Dave/East|
📍Dallas ,TX
🗓November 24th

Amoura and I were at my Grandma Tees visiting we were staying for thanksgiving which was on the 26th

"grandma you need some help" i asked walking down the stairs amoura just went to sleep i tired her out iykyk

"nah son but come sit down" she asked in a serious tone

"wh- David don't ask me why just sit down" i sat down and waited for her to speak

"so you and tiny still fooling around" she asked sipping on her coffee like it wasn't 9 in the evening "no well yeah ina sorta way" which was true we had no label

"well to me the answer is yes" she shrugged "so i needa ask you some questions" and i nodded

"are y'all working towards a relationship then marriage" dang we starting off complex

"um.. yes i would love to spend the rest of my life with her" and she smiled and nodded

"are you sexually never mind are you using protection" she chuckled and i laughed "grandma really"

"yes boy really" she deadpanned "grandma yes we use protection" we only fucked once since we reconnected she so nosy

"good cause as much as i want grandkids i don't believe you're ready" she grabbed her newspaper and leaned back in the seat

"why you say that" i questioned cause what the fuck she tryna say "well mainly amoura"she spoke nonchalantly

"why amoura" i really wanted to know and she was answering my questions with answers that just gave me more questions

"cause tiny is out there she has been since she was in her mid teens ive heard nothing has changed she's still not settled down she's just moving around from person to person and you're more than likely just another person of entertainment for her" she said with lil to no emotion like it was something she had been meaning to say

i began to speak and she cut me off "i love amoura i do she just has to grow up this can't go on for the rest of her life she has to settle down"

"so you basically callin ha a broad" i simply asked

"no im just saying she has been with lots of people" and i scoffed

"that's calling her a hoe, but you know that's alright she belongs to me now so why should her past relationships matter" i stood to my feet to go pack me and moura bags

cant have this type of animosity and think ima let amoura stay here when you saying allat

i walked in the laundry closet and grabbed some of my clothes out the dryer

once i finished folding and putting our clothes in our suitcases i attempted to wake amoura up

"get up tiny we gotta go" i lightly tapped her i left the lights off until her eyes adjusted then i switched them on

"why where"she was all confused and i didn't have the energy to explain right now "just cmon amoura" i said dryly

"ok.." she dragged and sat up then began walking to the bathroom

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