Uno (1) Season 2

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👤 Amoura |Tiny|
🗓November 5th

"chop chop lets go" i said to the men i had just captured

"boss you want them in the basement" one of my female workers walked up to me

"yeah tie them up from the ceiling bars and turn the AC on max"

"yes ma'am" and they began walking

it was abt 5 men and 2 women and they were all hand cuffed to each other

this is the career i want, these men and women are rapist, stalkers and so much more and i have to make sure they never hurt any one else

"what are y'all gonna do to me" one scrawny ass pervert asked

"Hm.. Why don't you fuck around and find out" i chuckled throwing a knife at his knee

"Ayo tico handle this ima be back later"

"yes boss" once i cleared everyone with what they need to get done i left

i was meeting East for lunch and needed to get cleaned up from "work"

he found out wht my new career is when my dumb ass made a rookie mistake forgetting to leave my phone in the car and butt dialed him in the middle of unaliving this man

Flashback~3 days ago

"here you go boss" lance hooked the last chain attached to the woman's arm to the metal bar

"thank you"i grabbed the nearest knife i went in a line from right to left slicing a line diagonally in their chest quick but damaging

"so y'all like being weird bitches is what i've seen" i asked a rhetorical question

"N- shut the fuck up" i cut off one of the females that tried to speak

i went up to her and laughed

"so you like touching little kids" i asked rhetorically

"no n-" i ran the knife from her cheek to her lip

"didnt ask you to speak, but i know you like little kids got plenty of disturbing disgusting proof" i looked at her disgustingly

"no- with so much irritation i sliced her arm fast and deep"

"talk again the next thing i cut off is your tongue" and she quickly shut up

"Amou-" i heard once everything went quiet so i reached in my pocket seeing i had a 5 minute call with 'East🫶🏾'

oh fuck.. was all i could think

"aye e i gotta hit you back" and i quickly hung up before he could speak

after torturing each individual for a lil longer i walked out

i turned on the acid and let it pour slowly dripping like mist from the ceilings all i heard were screams until i hit sound isolation on the control panel

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