4- The Call Out

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I don't really have much important to add lmao, enjoy!

Steve POV:

We were about halfway through the movie and on our third bag of popcorn. On the small table to my left, there was 2 empty coke cans, 1 sprite can, and a half full coke.

I was starting to lose attention to the film. Robin on the other hand was completely engrossed in it, holding the bag of popcorn to her chest.

I reached to my left and slowly started twisting the tabs and popping them off the cans, slipping them into my pocket.

I let my mind wonder.

Instantly it jumped to Eddie. When we had been walking in the woods and he was talking to me, maybe something about Nancy, I can't seem to remember what it was about though.

I think over the course of the movie, with the addition of Robin getting up to theatrically act out some scenes, I nearly forgot Eddie was in my fucking basement.

holy shit

I choked on the coke I was sipping.

Eddie Munson is in my basement

Mid coughing, I tipped my can and spilt coke on my shirt.

"Ya good over there?" Robin asked, shoving her face with more popcorn

I continued to cough, setting down my coke and lifting her a thumbs up.

I stood up, "Imma- *cough* go to the *cough* rest-*cough*-room." I barely got out before running down the hall.

I opened the door to the bathroom, right across from the basement.

I fumbled around for the light switch. Once it was on, I turned on the water and coughed into the sink. I splashed water into my face and spit out the remaining coke in my mouth.

I shook my hands off and dried my face on the blue towel hanging from the wall. I looked to my face in the mirror, messing around with my now wet hair until it didn't look like a total disaster.

I pulled off my disgustingly sticky shirt and slung it over my shoulder, turning off the light and quietly closing the door.

I paused outside

Should I check on Eddie?

I made sure Robin couldn't see me from the couch, then opened the door and started to tiptoe down.

The light from down there illuminated the stairs well enough for me to not trip or even make a sound for the matter.

I turned to my right and could only make out the shape of a lump on the couch, entirely engulfed in a gigantic blanket.

I zigzagged around the carpet, avoiding all of the main creaky spots. I knelt in front of Eddie, only his nose was poking out from under the blankets, the rest of his face covered with a mess of hair. Though one of his hands was stuck out from under the blanket. I noticed the note I left lying beside his open hand. I plucked the note from his loose grasp and slid it back into my pocket, ripping another piece off of the newspaper and starting a new note. 

'If you're walking up to this note, I'm upstairs watching a movie with Robin. Please don't come upstairs until she leaves :)


I left the note on the small table besides the dim lamp and looked at Eddie's sleeping figure one more time before starting back towards the stairs. 

🦇 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬- 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 🦇Where stories live. Discover now