5- The First Night

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Steve POV: 

I nearly drove pass my own house, my wheels coming to a screeching stop. I already knew that black tire marks would be left on the street.

I backed up a bit and turned into my driveway, right beside the stupid stolen camper.

I really hoped I could find out a way to turn it back on to drive into a ditch somewhere. But I had no knowledge of how to do that. When I had to turn it off, I just twisted the wires around a bit, and it turned off. Turning it back on though? I had no idea how to do that.

But that is a problem for future Steve

I yanked the keys from their slot and jumped out of my car. Jumping up the stairs, I was inside before I could blink.

I skidded on the hardwood floor to the kitchen. Throwing my keys on the table and caught a glimpse of the clock on the stove.


Or is that a 2?

I brushed it off and took off my shoes. It was unsettling how loud my shoes were.

I almost slipped when I ran around the corner to the basement door. Reaching it and twisting the knob. Holding onto the railing as I hopped from step to step.

I ran over to Eddie and sat on my knees in front of him.

"Eddie" I shook his arm that was sticking out of the blanker, this time holding the new note I had written.

"Eddie, wake up" I whispered loudly.

Second guessing myself. I felt for his pulse. Of course, it was there, but I still sighed in relief.

I leaned over him, "Eddiee, c'mon wake upp" I was shaking him lightly with both of my hands.

I could see his eyes move a bit from beneath his eyelids. Slowly he opened his eyes, then squinted and screwed them back shut. He tried to roll over, but I held him still under my hands.

"C'mon man, I don't want to find you bleeding out under that blanket." I sat back down next to him.

I strained to hear him, "...Is Robin gone?" His voice was scratchy. With a shiver I realized this was the first time he's actually spoken coherent words since before he 'died.

"Yeah, yeah she's gone." I spoke softly

He opened his eyes more and looked at me. "Where even am I... Am I entirely hallucinating? Woah am I dead?" He mumbled into the blanket

"Woah, no, you're in my basement. Yes, you're alive. Now can I actually properly clean your wounds." I looked back at him. His eyes were starting to shut.

"Mmm.. no." He continued to mumble; eyes now fully closed again.

"They're gonna get infected." I put a bit of my 'babysitter' voice into that one

"... calm down... Steve 'the mom' Harrington..." He smiled a bit, trailing off towards the end.

"You're literally dying" I deadpanned

"Hmm, just do it tomorrowww" He murmured

"I'm not letting you die in my basement." I tugged on the blanket

"Aww you care about me." He smirked, peeking through one of his eyes,

I stood up, tired of the banter, and entirely ripped the blanket off of him. Revealing his curled-up body, sticky in blood.

🦇 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬- 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 🦇Where stories live. Discover now