7- Put up an Act

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My main problem when writing is making sure that im doing a good amount of both plot and inner thoughts and little events that make a character. because sometimes i feel like the book is progressing too slow, but other times i feel like its going to fast without a lot of characters thoughts and feelings, yk? anyways time to try to combine the two

Steve POV:

For the past 45 minutes I had been stocking movies to the shelves accordingly.

It was initially easy; I had started with the movies in the small shelves in the middle of the room.  But the more I had to stretch my abdomen to reach a high shelf against the wall, it felt like lightning was striking my injuries.

I really should've wrapped them before I left

I picked up a movie that belonged on the very top shelf.

Holding my breath, I went on my tippy toes and slipped it onto an open spot.

It felt like all if the scabs were stretching and cracking under my shirt. I was probably bleeding at least a little.

I leaned against the cart of movies still needing to be stocked, resting on my elbows on the handlebar and groaning in pain.

When I looked up, I saw Robin raising an eyebrow at me from the computer.

"You good Steve?" She questioned, glancing to my torso before a look of realization settles onto her face

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. But can you stock for a bit?"

"Yeah of course" She furrowed her eyebrows at me, glancing down to my hand that was clutched my stomach. 

We passed each and she spoke again, "Other than Nancy, did you actually, like, treat those bat bites?" 

I turned to look at her, but she didn't reciprocate, instead beginning to slot movies onto the shelves.

"Uh, well yeah, but I kinda forgot about them" I said honestly, walking around the counter and stepping into the employee's zone. I plopped down on the high stool and leaned my elbows on the counter. 

I rubbed my temples, a small aching in the front of my skull grew. 

"You just... forgot about them?" She said questioningly

"I had- uh- other things on my mind, you know?" I struggled to find the right words 

"I guess" She shrugged 

I picked up the rubik's cube on the counter, fidgeting with it but not getting anywhere near actually solving it.  

Just tell her about Eddie

Just tell her

"Hey Robin-" I was cut off

The bell above the door chimed a few times.

Shoving it open, letting it slam behind her, then putting both hands on her hips, was Erica Sinclair. 

She scanned the room, eye squinting. After seeing only, me and Robin, she loosened her posture

"Sup nerds" She stormed straight to me, arms crossed, I backed up as she leaned into the counter. She stared at me; an eyebrow raised. 

"You look like hell" She snickered

"Just got back" I smiled sarcastically at her, glancing over at Robin and back to Erica, "Literally" I added

She nodded her head, expressing an exaggerated look of sympathy. Then she changed the top, "I need two movies to bring to Tina's tonight" She held up a two with her fingers, "And it is you nerds' job, to find me one." She added a smile at the end

🦇 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬- 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 🦇Where stories live. Discover now