Versus the New Evil - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

The four of us followed Ryan, who was walking into the school with a ridiculous amount of confidence, though that is his thing, faking confidence. He stopped outside the offices, looking around at everything. I myself wasn't paying attention to exactly what he was looking at, because I was to focused on noticing the people noticing me. I regained my focus as I heard Ryan say,

"Oh this is perfect." He threw his bag in his brothers arms. He walked up to a kid on his laptop, asked him if he needed help and then pretended to type on his computer, to the rest of us it was obvious he was using his powers to fix whatever was wrong. 

Then, he had the audacity, to walk up to a group of cheerleaders with a broken speaker. I can only imagine the disgust on my face at that time. It was probably in an attempt to make me jealous, guess what Ryan it worked. As the girl handed him their speaker, Mark asked me,

"He, told you right?"

"What do you think?" I asked in return, "I'm out of here." I turned up the staircase, and Ryan did notice me leaving.


I was at my locker putting my books away before meeting with the team at lunch, when someone came and leaned up against the locker next to mine.

"Can I help you?" I asked not looking up, I knew who it was.

"Can I ask you something?" Ryan asked.

"You want to know if your subtle attempt at making me jealous worked? Because I can tell you right now, it did." I answered. "And you're not subtle."

"Not exactly what I was going to ask, but good to know," he said. "And by the way, one of the cheerleaders asked for my number and I said no, if that makes you feel better."

"Yeah, it does, just a little." I smile

"I just want to ask where you stand." He asks. 

"The robot?" I asked. "I think I'm feeling better, much better."

"That's great." He started, "But I think you know that's not what I meant." He's right.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." I sighed. "Listen, what I said in the robot, I stand by. You're hard to get over. Not that I've been trying." He smiled and began with,

"Good. That leads to my second question," I rolled my eyes and smiled shutting my locker. "What are you do tonight?"

"Nothing." I answer.

"Good, we're hanging out." He nods.

"You aren't giving me a choice?" I ask.

"Would you say no?" He asks back.


"Exactly, see you tonight." He says.

"What are we doing?" I ask while he stepped past me to walk away.

"You'll see."

"Is this a date?" I ask one last question. He grinned walking away, talking to me over his shoulder.

"Only if you want it to be."


I made my way down to lunch, and stopped at the top of a stair case as I noticed Mark and his wingman Dane, face to face with a guy named Wade that I used to let Mark talk crap about all the time, as he was almost Bay City East's version of Mark. Wade lightly pushed Marks jacket that he cared so much about and for some reason I was unaware of, Ryan jumped in between the two of them. Mark put his arm around his brother and almost immediately regretted it for some reason,  and pushed his brother away and then Wade grabbed Marks jacket, getting in his face, and again, Ryan got in between the two of them. I was close enough to to make out Ryan saying, 

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