Tails' new invention

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(FYI I'm not that good of a writer, this is my first story and I suck at ELA and stuff like that pls tell me if my writing don't make no kinda sense or I made some kinda mistake😭💗)

Nobody's POV:

Tails had been working on his new invention for over two months and he had finally finished it. It was a device that ran on chaos energy and was supposed to be able to teleport anything that could fit in his little contraption anywhere he wanted.

"I call it the 'Miles Teleporter 3000' Isn't it neat?" Tails said, obviously very proud of his invention.

This was the most advanced device Tails had ever made and even though Sonic didn't understand one bit of how it worked, or the science behind it, he was extremely impressed.

"This is super cool buddy! How does it work?" Sonic asked. But then, he had almost immediately regretted his decision after tails started rambling on about the different parts and what they do. Sonic was just pretending he was actually listening until he heard a familiar name that snapped him back to reality. The name of a distant and edgy black and red hedgehog.

"Huh?! What about shadow?"

Tails just chuckled and said, "you weren't listening were you?" and playfully rolled his eyes while sonic sheepishly smiled.

"So, as I was saying, this machine runs on chaos energy and I'm gonna need you and shadow to run on these treadmills to produce energy" tails pointed to two circular treadmills. They looked like giant futuristic hamster wheels but sonic wasn't focused on that right now, he just groaned and said,

"I'll do it, obviously , but why do you need shadow though, aren't I fast enough?" Tails smiled.

"Of course your fast enough sonic, you're the fastest guy around! But it's not just the speed I need a lot of, it's the energy too, and shadow has the most chaos energy out of everyone, which is why I need him." Tails explained.

"So why don't you just take shadow then, hm? Seems like I'm clearly not fit for the job" Sonic said and and crossed his arms.

Tails slightly laughed at his best bros reaction and rolled his eyes again then said,
"Oh don't be like that sonic, I still need you for this and your still perfect for the job. I'll go ahead and call shadow and try to get him to come over and help." Tails dialed shadows number into his phone and waited for him to pick up.

Shadow POV:
I was sitting on the couch next to Rouge drinking my morning coffee and reading a book while rouge watched one of her favorite tv shows. It was a romance show and I always found it quite boring, which is why I am just reading a book and not watching it with her. Then I get a call from a number that I remember seeing before, it was that fox that's always hanging out with that faker.

"What do you want? And why are you calling me so early in the morning." I said. I was definitely did not appreciate the interruption.
"Hi shadow. I just called to ask if you could help me with one of my inventions, the machine runs on chaos energy and I know you have a lot of it so I was wondering if you could come over and generate some power for me?" He said through the phone"

"What is this invention that you need me for?"
"It's a teleporter, I can use it to teleport anything that fits anywhere I want!" He said. I could practically hear him smiling over the phone.

"And what's in it for me?" I asked.

"Please shadow, I don't have anything to give you!" I stayed silent.
"Please, I-I'll give you my Miles Coffee Maker 2.0!" He sounded so desperate. Hmm, I do want that coffee maker though...

"Deal, I'll be there in two minutes" I said flatly.

"Yes! Thanks!" He said right before I hung up. I put my coffee on the counter and grabbed my chaos emerald.

"Where are you going?" Rouge said, looking away from her tv to me.

"I'm going to that fox kid's house to help him with his invention."

"Oh okay, but doesn't big blue live there too? Don't go around starting any fights hun."

I had completely forgot that that faker lived there too, and I had already agreed to help. I'll keep my word and go anyways.

"Whatever rouge" I said as I rolled my eyes and teleported away, at least I won't have to talk to him.

When I got there, Miles looked like he had just finished hooking Sonic up to some chords and he was in some kind of circular treadmill.

"Hi shadow! Come here I just need to hook you up to these chords and we'll get started!" He said, smiling, it was clear that he was very excited. I walked over to him and he grabbed a handful of chords. He also had this hat that looked like a cooking strainer filled with buttons and more chords, he gave it to me to put on, so that's what I did. He also attached an orange sticker to my shoes, I'm guessing that's because I have to run, so I guess I kinda understand why he'd need it.

"So now that you're all hooked up and ready to go, you and sonic will have to-"

"I have to work with him?!" I asked. I didn't even want to talk to him, let alone work with him. He glared at me, and I glared right back and scowled.

"Look shads," I growled at the annoying nickname, "I don't wanna work with you just as much as you don't wanna work with me, so either deal with it or you're not getting that coffee maker." He said. Damn how did he know about the coffee maker? Whatever. I just rolled my eyes and simply said,
"First of all, don't call me that, second of all, I said I was going to do it and here I am. If I wasn't going to do it, I would have left already."

The fox was watching us argue and said, "Guys guys! Calm down let's just get started. So what I'll need you guys to do is run on these treadmills to produce energy. I'll tell you guys when to start"

Faker and I stepped onto our treadmills while the fox walked over to grab a little remote device and pressed a button, "start!" He said. I started running fast and so did sonic. The treadmills started heating up really hot and faker was starting to sweat.

"You tired?" I asked.

"N-no it's just really hot! Uhm TAILS? Is it supposed to be getting this hot?"

Sonic POV:

As I was running, the whole treadmill felt as if it was on fire!

"No sonic it's not supposed to be that hot! You guys are generating too much energy! Stop running or it'll explode!"

Wait... EXPLODE?! ITS GONNA EXPLODE?!? I tripped at hearing that and starting going in circles in the treadmill. Shadow stopped running while I was still spinning super fast. I heard tails call our friends over to try to stop it but nothing worked. I didn't even know what direction I was going, if I was upside down or right side up or anything, I was so confused and dizzy. All my friends reactions were basically the same:

I got a "*gasp* big blue what happened??" From rouge

And a "*gasp* oh no sonikku I'll get you out of there!" From Amy.

Knuckles was all like "haha bro you're in a pretty tuff situation."

Even silver and blaze was there, "oh sonic what did you do?!" Silver said, and blaze said, "sonic just what did you get yourself into today?"

Tails POV:
I don't know how to get sonic out of there! He's already been stuck there for at least 5 minutes, if I were him I would've thrown up everywhere! Just then, Sonics treadmill started going even faster, and started to glow blue! It was getting harder and harder by the second to press the button and I started feeling dizzy. My vision went a little blurry and I felt like my body was made of water. I looked around since I could still kinda make out the things around me and everyone else looked dizzy too, even shadow! By this point, I did not feel well at all..

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