The Google search (shadows crying?!)

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(Warning: this chap is kinda emotional!AND VERY LONG!)
(Shadow POV)

I opened the laptop and saw what looked like a search engine called 'google'. There was a little box in the middle of the screen, so I'm assuming that's where you type at.

"Woahhh, what's that?" Sonic asked curiously.

"It's a search engine stupid." I said, in return to his stupidity.

He just growled and crossed his arms, but then he went back to his regular self. He scooted closer to me. I glared at him and growled, but he ignored me.

"Shads, since you're not gonna search anything, I'll just do it myself" he said as he took the computer from me. I didn't really care, so I rolled my eyes. He scooted even closer to me.

"What are you doing faker?" I said coldly. I did not want him this close to me.

"Grow up shadow, I'm getting closer so you can see. Geez." He said rolling his eyes. I sat there silently watching him type in his name, 'sonic the hedgehog'. After he hit enter, a whole page of pictures of him were all over the screen. There were also some websites too. And this little bar filled with questions.

"Hmm... sonic said as he started reading the questions, and checking the answers.

"'How old is sonic the hedgehog?' It says I'm 15, that's correct"

"'Are sonic and tails best friends?' Yup they got that correct!"

"'Sonic the hedgehog real name' oops haha hold on" he turned the computer so only he could see it. He looked at it and his eyes widened.

"H-how do they know?! Do they stalk me? What's going on😟?" He asked worriedly. Sonic wasn't his real name? I'm a little curious now. I snatched the computer out of his hands.

"W-wait no!" He said. I looked at the name. 'Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog'. I looked at the name for a few seconds and almost started laughing. I can't laugh in front of faker! I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. He just glared at me.

"Stop it shadow." He said seriously. I couldn't take him seriously though. I bursted out into laughter. He looked at me shocked, but I couldn't stop laughing.

"Shadow is it really that funny😰? I've never seen you laugh before, it's making me uncomfortable."

(Later in the chap is gonna be emotional 😔I'm sorry guys)

"Olgilvie.. hahaha.... Maurice...hahaha-" my laughter was interrupted by him pinning me to the bed. Now his face looked really serious. He looked a little angry too. His name is a really sensitive topic, huh? His green eyes glared into my red ones, and I could feel his breathing on my face. I felt my face starting to get a little warm but I don't know why. My stomach had this weird feeling. I couldn't move either. He wasn't intimidating at all, so why did I just freeze up?

"I said stop shadow." Sonic said in a deep-ish voice. Woah.

"As if I would listen to you." I said rolling my eyes.

(Sonic POV)

Shadow rolled his eyes. I pushed him harder into the bed and he growled lowly.

"I'll just make you listen then." I said. Suddenly, he flipped us over really fast so that he was on top of me.

"Did you forget who's the stronger one here, hedgehog?" He said coldly.

"Nope, I believe that's me." I said back.

"In your dreams faker." He said and rolled his eyes. He stared at me fore a few seconds, like he was studying me, then he sighed.

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