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Still shadow pov

   "What- faker let go!" I yelled after a while of Sonic pulling me through the mansion. He came to a quick halt and looked back at me.

"What? Can't keep up?" He said slyly with that stupid grin on his face.

"What no, that's not it? I never said I wanted to go exploring with you.🤨"

"Ehh, too bad." Sonic said while shrugging his shoulders.

I ignored him and started walking. I wasn't particularly walking towards anything, just, you know, exploring I guess. I'm not just going to stand there. I walked until I saw a very unnecessarily long dark hallway to my right. Something doesn't feel right... I started to walk a few steps, my surroundings getting darker as I moved forward, until I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped suddenly, making sure I wasn't just hearing things. It became deadly silent for a second. I tried to ignore my loud heartbeat, and hoped that whatever was following me couldn't hear it either.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" I heard a voice say from behind me. My heart nearly dropped like a bomb and exploded. I swear, if I wasn't immortal, I'd die of a heart attack. I shrieked as I jerked my body around only to see a shaken Sonic. I mentally face palmed as I was using my hand to cover my chest due to my shock. Sonic burst into laughter

"Faker, what the hell, don't scare me like that!" I told him. I don't even know if he heard me, he was laughing so hard I thought he was gonna pass out.

"Geez, I didn't know that you were gonna get so scared haha. I can't- I- HAHA Shadow- you shoulda seen your face!" He said and continued laughing for a while. I just stood there with my arms crossed. He wiped a tear from his eye and his laughter started to die down.

"Ok, ok. Im sorry but that was hilarious shadow. Im never gonna forget that."

I sighed. "Alright, now shut up a let's just go." I said as I continued walking toward the darkness. It got to the point where I couldn't see anything anymore.

"Man, I can't see anything!" Sonic said.

"Don't worry, I have my chaos emerald." I told him as I check my quills for the emerald. Where is it? I grew more worried as I searched for my emerald.

"Uhm, shadow, I don't think it's in there..." Sonic said.

"Where else would it be?" Where is it?

"Maybe it got stolen." Stolen? Who do you think you are to say that people are capable of stealing from me?

"How would it even get-" suddenly we heard a loud slam of a boor behind us. I quickly whipped my head back to find that behind me was pitch black. We're trapped. The door's closed. But, since when was there a door?? I sprinted over and tried to push the door open but it was no use.

"Shadow! What's going on?" Sonic asked.

"Why are you asking me? I was with you!"

"Good point." Sonic pondered. "On a count of three, we spin dash into it. 1...2...3!"

We went straight into the metal door. It didn't budge at all.

"Whaaaat? How did that not work?"

"This door must be strong then. Let's go down the hallway and see if we can find another way out."

"Got it! See you there!" He said as he was about to zoom off, but I grabbed him my his hood and said,

"Wait, don't run fast, we can't even see anything past a certain point, you could run into something."

"Are you like, looking after me or something? You're not my mom." Sonic said with an eye roll.

"Just be quiet Sonic, I don't want you to break anything now come on."

I let go f his hood and started walking down the hallway, quickly but carefully. Walking. Walking. Walking.

"Man, this is a long hallway."

"Do you have to open your mouth every second of the day?"

"What am I supposed to do? Sit in silence?"


"Don't answer that, of course you'd say yes."

I started waking down the hallway, wondering when it'd end. I had my hand out to feel if anything was there. I soon felt something so I stopped. Sonic kept walking and ran into something. I know that because I heard a loud clunk, then a thud. Sounded like metal.

"Owww." I heard him groan from the ground.

"Get up, you idiot. This is probably a door." I told him. I used my hands to search the metal and soon found a handle.

DUN DUN DUN TBC BYEEE (I'm so sorry💀)

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