Chapter Two: The New girl.

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Four hours on the road isn't a small Journey, trying to adjust my head on the seat as the car just suddenly stopped. l raised my eyes from afar, only to see a magnificent gate. Royal Academy!!, Although the journey was long, checking my phone, l realised it was indeed a 4 hours journey. I said to myself underneath. Immediately, the giant door opened, and slowly the car began to roll in. Yet to receive the shock of my life, l turned to my father who was still talking on the phone. Being a king is very stressful. Looking away from my father, l decided to look around before the car stopped. The Royal Academy was way bigger than l thought. The car was still in motion, trying to enjoy the moment, looking to the left and the right; seeing the students already made me think this place would be heaven on Earth but also a place to work out of being a mum and Dad's girl. Meanwhile, all my father kept doing was strolling through his tablet after he ended the call. He was a busy man indeed, who almost wreaked his marriage cause he lacked the essence of balancing his work life as a king and being a husband and a father. I wasn't always myself at those moments, it pains me to always find my mum crying in the corner of her room. Back then, l even doubted if he ever loved his wife🥱, such a boring thing and a sad thing to remember. It took us 20 minutes from the gate to get to the principal office; aside from that, l thought l would be meeting my aunt, "Lady Owen". I was immersed in my thoughts when l heard her voice.
" Your Highness ". I turned to my left, only to see Lady Owen from the window; shocked 😱😱 , she looked just as elegant as always. Now it all made sense to me why she was called 'An angel with flawless beauty. My father stepped out of the car responding to her greetings. Holland, 2nd in command of the chief bodyguard, came to open the car door for me. To my surprise, l saw my cousin "Lilibet" from far off with Teacher Troll at her back. "Always in the spotlight", l said to me. Still pondering words to myself under my breath when Lady Owen popped right into my face. "Hello there", looking up to face her, "Lady Cecilia, it's nice seeing you again; you look as beautiful as ever". I call her Lady Cecilia and have always felt Owen could be considered old-fashioned. "Thank you, your highness. You know, you should still try and call me aunt ". Still looking into her eye, l smiled in return." "Your Highness, this way". As we walked through the
Hallway, all l could do was stare at the patterns that were drawn on the walls of the long hallway. l found it fascinating that these patterns could not have been drawn by a normal human existing in this Century because the patterns reflect emotions, pain, and power that words can't express; it all looked ancient and yet so beautiful. I was still looking left and right when l accidentally bumped into someone, "ouch", l said after l fell to the ground, l thought the hallway was supposed to be clear since his royal Highness was currently present. I was still on the ground when l stood up only to notice l was a few miles away from Dad and Lady Owen, who were so engrossed in their discussion to notice l was not with them. " The hallway is a magnificent beauty that you could get lost." l was still lost in my thoughts when I noticed there was someone in front. "Hello", he said again. " oh I'm so sorry!!, I got carried away by the beauty of the hallway, I'm so sorry". " it alright, you must be new here". " yes, l am", "okay, see you around later, I'm currently late, l have a class to catch", he said as he walked away. " okay, sorry if you don't mind may l know your name".
"Edward, that's my name; see you later, Your Royal Highness", he said as he walked away. "Your Highness, his Royal Highness needs your presence right away", said Mark, my bodyguard. On entering my aunt's office (Miss Owen), l heard my name, "God, l know that voice; it was Lilibet's". She welcomed me into a deep hug. " how have you been? You look all grown up now", she said. "it's nice meeting you again after such a long time", l said, smiling. Lady Owen's office was looking the exact opposite of what l thought it would be, l thought it ought to be ancient, but instead, it looked classy and modern. "Your Highness, it was such a wonderful time with you", she said. "oh, the girls are here". "Uncle", Lilibet said. "Lilibet, her mother said in a loud voice". "For heaven's sake, where are your manners".
I'm not so surprised, Lilibet constantly makes the same mistake over and over again. " Your Highness, I'm so sorry for Lilibet's continuous errors", her mother explained.
"That okay, I am her uncle, after all, said my father, and by the way, Cecilia. Do take care of Catherine and No special treatment be made or given to her.
I trust you to do a good job. "You can always count on me your Majesty ", replied Lady Owen.
"Lilibet, could you see your cousin off and please make sure no mistake is made concerning her assigned room or, classes and lastly, don't forget to show her around?". "okay, Mother", Lilibet replied.

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