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ARRIVED at your dorm you collapsed on your bed

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ARRIVED at your dorm you collapsed on your bed. People really weren't kidding when they told you Teyvat's college was no joke. Although you had successfully managed to survive the first year; it had become more and more challenging to keep up with the lessons.

Thankfully, you weren't alone. Your older sister Ayaka also attended the same school as you; majoring in journalism. 

Not to mention, you also shared some classes with your childhood best friend; Thoma.

However, now back at the dorm you shared with Ayaka, you failed to come across any of the two.

You pulled out your phone and decided to text Thoma.


hey bestie, where are you? You promised we would feed the stray cats today...


No reply. Weird.

Persevering, you decided to message Ayaka. You knew her next exam was approaching; how come she wasn't in her room studying like every other day?



where'd you go? pls answer, I'm bored and alone :((

Anxiously waiting for a reply, you let your mind wander;

'what if I'm the only survivor of a zombie apocalypse and that's why nobody is answering my texts?'

'come to think of it, I haven't met anyone on my way here...'

Just as you were about to start building a pillow fort to defend yourself from the imminent attack; you heard footsteps outside your dorm followed by a gentle knock on the door.

You jumped in fear, tip-toeing to the peephole.

Just in case your theory was correct...

Luckily, the sight of a certain red-haired proved you wrong. He wasn't so horrible looking to resemble a zoombie so you opened your dorm door. 

Standing in front of you was your sister's best friend; Heizou.

Now, you didn't particularly know the boy even though you attended the same courses, both being criminology majors; his sly aura never appealed to you; more than once you caught him looking intensly at you while you hang out with Ayaka. You felt like you were being analysed, studied.

𝙇.𝙊.𝙑.𝙀. 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 | 𝗛𝗲𝗶𝘇𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now