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CLASS had already started but Heizou was nowhere to be found

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CLASS had already started but Heizou was nowhere to be found.

With a book in his hand, your English professor started the lesson, quickly going through the slides of his PowerPoint presentation.

Maybe a little too fast for you since you hadn't even opened your notebook and he was already illustrating the 7th slide.

Fortunately for you, the lecturer's voice was interrupted by the creaking sound of the door opening, revealing a sweaty student who had probably run to class. After all, it was a common occurrence so you didn't bother to raise your head and inspect the newcomer.

Heizou, on the other side, immediately looked for you among the hundreds of seats.

He noticed how you hadn't acknowledged him so he decided to plan a little stunt on you.

He made his way to your seat and sat at the desk next to yours, sliding closer to you.

He placed a hand on your shoulder and

"morning, buttercup!"

If it hadn't been for Heizou promptly covering your mouth before you could scream, god knows what would have happened...

After being taken by surprise by the double jumpscare, you finally got to look at your seatmate; his sweet smile made it seems like he hadn't just scared you to death and stood you up at lunch and acted like nothing ever happened.

You hated it.

So you decided to give him the silent treatment.

"you're not even gonna greet me? rude"

You completely ignored him and went back to your lecture, the PowerPoint showing the 21st slide.

Heizou got more comfortable in his seat, directly facing you while you folded your arms, trying to look outraged at the boy's manners.

"c'mon y/n, I'm sorry for yesterday, I really am..."

No reaction from you.

"I can explain myself, please???"

You took a peek at the boy literally begging you to listen to him, pouting and giving you those eyes.

"after class."


He smiled while you let out a little sigh, turning again your attention to the presentation, which had just finished...


Lunchtime came around and Heizou had walked with you to the canteen, even tho he had already prepared his lunch in the morning.

You greeted the lunch lady who gave you a big fat slice of pizza.


Once you sat down, you noticed how Heizou was eyeing your pizza hungrily but you didn't forgive people easily so you carefully shoved it down your throat looking directly at the boy (😳), you surely knew how to hold a grudge.

The silence went on for 5 minutes after that, tho it wasn't the awkward type.

"y/n, I'm sorry about yesterday. But I hope the news I picked up will be enough to cheer you up and, possibly, forgive me..."

"hm, I'm all years"


While I was heading to the canteen I heard two familiar voices, I think you know who I'm talking about, right?"

He grinned as you nodded your head.

"I managed to catch some details, I mean, it's not like I eavesdropped; I was just passing by after all..."

He paused just to get you impatient.

"apparently they are going to meet up on Friday at the college café, do you know if they are doing a group project together? although I'm pretty sure they don't have any class in common...weird... and suspicious..."

This was the confirmation you needed, it all made sense with what Childe told you.

"wait- why aren't you shocked?"

"I guess it's my time to share"

Your words confused Heizou, you smirked seeing his surprised expression.

"yesterday at lunch, Childe told me about some rumour going around the school: it seems like our two suspects were spotted at a café some days ago and..."


"it also seems like they were acting weirdly, as in romantic weirdly..."

"ewww, you gotta be kidding!"

You simply shock your head.

"trust me, I wish"

"well then, if they are not gonna tell us about it, we're going to catch them red-handed!"

"you read my mind, go ahead, what's your plan?"

"Friday, at the college café, be there at 3"

"I'm at your commands"

Heizou got up from the bench and offered you his hand, like a true gentleman. 

You ended up forgiving him but only on one condition: he had to help you study that morning's presentation and patiently...

You ended up forgiving him but only on one condition: he had to help you study that morning's presentation and patiently

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I'm currently writing this while watching some random monks in Sicily cooking on TV 🤭

also, don't forget to vote please, it helps a lot :)


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