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THE NEXT DAY you woke up earlier than usual

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THE NEXT DAY you woke up earlier than usual. Something was bothering you; yes, it was merely an intrusive thought but nonetheless, one that made sense after all.

'I get the feeling Ayaka is lying to me; yesterday she said she had studied in the library but all her books were on the desk while she was out...'

You decided to take yourself out for breakfast, given the fact that lessons wouldn't have started until 2 hours.

Once you entered your favourite coffee shop, you noticed a familiar red-haired at a table in the corner.

Since you still had to thank him for yesterday's help, you took a seat at his table and, with a snap of the fingers, turned his attention from the book he held in his hands to you.

"WHA- oh good morning y/n"

"pffff, I scared you~"

The boy's face colour slowly started to match the one of his hair. You clearly had caught him off guard. How cute. 

"seems like it...what are you doing here so early anyway? I remember you once told me you're not a particularly morning person"

'How could he even remember that?'

"well that's usually right but... forget it, it's nothing."
"I just saw you in the corner and thought I had yet to thank you for the help you gave me yesterday"

"you are most welcomed, really"

You responded by giving a simple nod.

You were just about to get up and order something to eat when Heizou's voice stopped you in your tracks.

"something is bothering you, isn't it?"


"you know, you can tell me. getting it off your chest will help."

"you're just bored, aren't you?"

You grabbed a piece of Heizou's pastry, biting into it hungrily and waiting for an answer to your question.

"maybe, but what's wrong with it?"

He was indeed right, you were not one to be trusted with a secret, especially when you had not a single person to share it with.

"alright, but this has to remain between the two of us. not even Ayaka can know"

The boy smirked, he liked secrets and he had a feeling this was gonna be a juicy one.

"fine with me, go ahead"

"Ayaka and Thoma have been acting weird lately"

"every time she disappears he disappears. Plus, I've seen them exchanging glances a lot in the past few days, as if they have a secret only they know about..."

Hearing the news, the boy didn't even try to hide his surprised face. You had to shut his mouth manually for how wide he had opened it. It's not like it was a pleasant sight after all. 

In the meanwhile, he started replaying in his head all the excuses Ayaka had fed him in the last few weeks about not being able to hang out together.

Monday she had a dentist's appointment, Tuesday she was meeting up with some classmates for a group project, Wednesday her mother was visiting and Tuesday she had to attend her grandma's funeral??!!! and she didn't even sound sad at all. 

Not to mention the other day, when she was studying at the library but all of her books were still in her room, Heizou also didn't fail to notice that little detail.

His eyes widened in realization.

"Now that I think about it...do you have any idea why?"

"I take it as Ayaka has stood you up a lot too. Same thing with Thoma tho I am not sure about the reason"

You both remained quiet for a moment, Heizou was staring up at the ceiling lost in thought, you noticed it was probably a habit of his since he had done that multiple times yesterday.

Suddenly an idea popped in his head, making him jump from his chair.

The sides of his lips curved in an enthusiast grin.

You subconsciously mimed his expression as you understood what he was thinking about.

"so? what are you waiting for? enlighten me with your idea, sherlock"

"only if you promise to help me first~"

You really couldn't refuse, the mysterious boy had intrigued you.

You replied with no hesitation (stawp with the comments you guys 😡 👹 👺 ).

"we both know the answer to that question; of course I'll help, now TELL ME"

Enthusiast for the excitement you were showing (and that he was hoping for), Heizou got up from his seat only to offer you his hand.

"let's investigate!"

You took his hand in yours and shook it, thus accepting the offer. A long voyage was about to start. 


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"by the way, do you happen to have a grandma?

"i do, but she lives 5 hours away from here"

"i knew it"




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