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HEIZOU looks down at you, surprised by your sudden appearance

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HEIZOU looks down at you, surprised by your sudden appearance.

You had planned to wake up early that day just to catch him on his way to school but the alarm had failed to set off, forcing you to run to make it in time.

Once arrived at his door, you grabbed the handle for support, trying to catch your breath. However, the door abruptly opened, making you lose your balance and fall at Heizou's feet.

You lifted your head slowly, still processing what had happened, and you locked eyes with a sleepy Heizou, his hair still messy and UNTIED.

He rubbed his eyes, as to check if he was still sleeping, blurting out your name in confusion.


You stood up, scratching your head as Heizou opened the door wider to let you in. You sat on the bed.

"sorry if I woke you up, I just needed to tell you something before classes"

"y/n, it's Saturday"

He sighed, a deadpanned expression obvious on his face, before standing up to go make you something to drink; he was sure you hadn't had breakfast yet.


Heizou had been gone for 5 minutes.

You had fallen asleep...

He observed you closely, not believing it at first. But then he saw you drooling on his pillow so he quickly took out a tissue to clean you up.

'What should I do?'

After panicking for a good 5 minutes, Heizou decided to let you stay, he didn't want to wake you up and he was too tired to take you back to your dorm, so he just laid on the floor and drifted to dreamland.


You woke up not too long after that, looking around trying to identify your location. Then again, you were a really creative person, so it didn't take you long to create all sorts of theories, most of them being on the apocalyptic side, like most of the time.

'Have I been kidnapped?'

'Did I die?'

'Is this the afterlife?'

Fortunately enough, your vision had soon cleared up and, looking down, you finally found the red-haired boy; he was deeply asleep, you could tell by the way he snored loudly.

An evil laugh came out of your mouth as a silly idea popped into your head.

You carefully stood up, reaching for a black marker on the top of Heizou's desk.

You took a deep breath, storing the oxygen you needed for the mission; then proceeded to bent over the boy, not daring to make any noise but finding it hard to hold back your laughter.

You smoothly draw a moustache on the boy's face, not forgetting to sign the artwork.

You took out your phone and took a selfie with the victim.


Mischief managed!


"Rise and shine, dear Heizou; rise and shine!"

Heizou opened his eyes to the melodic voice that interrupted his sleep. He groaned, the clock read 11 a.m.

"I'm truly sorry to wake you up but it's time for breakfast!!!"

"I thought we could go to a café!"

Heizou, still sleepy, noticed your giggling and bubbly mood but he thought nothing of it since it wasn't too weird coming from you.

You tugged him by his pants, forcing him to fully wake up and then proceeding to drag him out of the room.

He groaned but followed you.


"here, read this"

You handed him the piece of paper received the night before. Heizou carefully opened it and quickly read the message, yawning.

You smiled in triumph before revealing your brilliant idea.

"Ayaka and Thoma are certainly gonna be there, I say we secretly join them and roll with it; who knows? maybe something is going to happen~"

Heizou raised his eyebrow in delight, nodding his head and smiling.

"The operation L.O.V.E. continues!"


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Heizou ended up walking you to your dorm; he felt a bit confused since many people had been eyeing him at the café...

You knocked on the door, having forgotten your keys.

Ayaka greeted you and Heizou. She grinned playfully at the boy.

"I see you got yourself quite the look, Mr Heizou~"



You immediately shut the door on the disoriented boy.


𝙇.𝙊.𝙑.𝙀. 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 | 𝗛𝗲𝗶𝘇𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now