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THE walk to the dorm complex was quiet

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THE walk to the dorm complex was quiet.

What was there to say anyway? You were left walking alone since Heizou ditched you after the game.

You were kicking a beer can that some douchebag felt too lazy to toss in a trashcan. At least, it gave you something to do while thinking...

One only thing was on your mind tho; finally, you were able to put the pieces together: Heizou's blushings, those silly nicknames he gave you and the constant excuses made up just to hang out together.

It all made sense now, right?

You scratched the back of your neck confused; surely you were supposed to feel cross, being played like that, but you couldn't help feeling a little bit flattered.

wait, who are we kidding?? a LOT flattered.

Replaying the last ten minutes of the night, immediately after the truth and dare game, you saw Heizou lowering his head when you were searching for his gaze, demanding an explanation at Ayaka's words. You saw him abruptly stand up, muttering something inaudible under his breath, fists clenching at his sides.

Observing him reluctantly walking to the door, you still failed to stand up and reach him, block him... what was stopping you? why was your heart beating so fast in the first place?

Your heart almost dropped when you caught his eyes for a brief moment, covered by his red locks as he nodded his head in your direction and disappeared behind the door.

You, on the other hand, stayed seated on the floor, all eyes on you.


You sighed, the memories overwhelming you.

"you should throw that beer in the trashcan"

Suddenly, you saw a figure in the distance, sitting on a bench, feeding the pigeons with what seemed to be a piece of childe's party cake.

"you wouldn't want to be accused of littering"


For a moment, you were tempted to ignore him and turn around; what was up with the sudden change of behaviour? Ultimately, you decided to walk towards the red-hair and sit next to him.

"you know, campus rules are really strict about th-"

"we should talk"

You cut him off, a hint of disappointment was evident in Heizou's eyes, maybe he thought he could simply avoid the subject but, nonetheless, he was the one who claimed your attention in the first place.

"do you remember the first time we met?"

He chuckled while saying that, however his expression was unreadable as he suppressed the bitter laugh and continued to feed the birds.

You simply nodded, how could anyone forget it?

"gosh, it was so embarrassing... but when I think about it I can't help but smile at the memory"

Your eyes softened at his statement and finally, he raised his head, locking eyes with you. You wanted to open your mouth and say something to relieve the tension yet nothing seemed to come out.

"That day, I just wanted to make a good impression. I had seen you at school, playing with your friends, and heard about you from Ayaka. Every time I was about to approach you, I backed out at the last moment; I was so scared of what you were gonna think of me if I messed something up. Eventually, I gathered around all the courage I had and went for it"

You look away from him, a hint of red making its way to your cheeks. You felt extremely guilty.

"I guess what I want to say right now is just-"

"I like you"

"yeah. You guessed it..."

"no, I mean... I like you Heizou. I might have found this out recently, maybe right now even but I like you so much- my heart always gets jumpy when I'm around you and I'm so happy when you text me asking to hang out, even if it's just about Thoma and Ayaka."

"It never was"

You giggled. Heizou started laughing and you did the same, perhaps realizing how stupid the purpose of the investigation was and how committed you both were to solving the "mystery".

Standing up from the bench, Heizou offered you his hand to lift you up, which you so kindly accepted.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

You see his eyes widen for a moment before he pulls you back in, moving his free hand to hold your waist and pulling you closer, you can feel him smiling in the kiss.

This time, he is the one pulling away, much to your dismay.

"guess this makes me your boyfriend now~"

You raised an eyebrow, ready to tease him.

"we'll see~ you still have to ask me out on a date"

Hand in hand, you two made your way back to the dorm, planning your very first date and constantly laughing at the childhood memories.


Meanwhile, not too far away, behind a bush...

"see~ I told you they were together"

"shhhhh- they might still hear us!!"

thoma"shhhhh- they might still hear us!!"

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