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THE week had quickly gone by, waking you up to another Saturday

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THE week had quickly gone by, waking you up to another Saturday.

At 9 pm exact, you heard a knock on your dorm door. You stopped curling your hair and headed towards the door, twisting the doorknob and revelling Heizou.

He was leaning against the door frame, a cheeky smile on his lips as he saw you. He was dressed in all black. Even his nails were painted of the same colour; true dedication.

You caught yourself staring for a second and you really shouldn't have had...

"liking what you see?"

"as if!"

You chuckled, before completely opening the door, inviting the boy inside of the room. Heizou's eyes widened as he looked at you up and down but then proceeding to say nothing.

You had put your hair up in a ponytail, wearing a black shirt and a leather skirt and completing the outfit with some tall black boots.

Needless to say, you had both chosen to dress in black to hide in the crowd.

"It's still pretty early tho, wanna play monopoly?"

"you bet"


After having spent two hours on the game you were now walking to the party since Childe's house wasn't too far away from the campus.

The hair was chill but the wind was blowing, making you shiver.

"you didn't win, I had more properties than you!"

"It's not the properties that count, it's the money you have made that determines the winner"

"I've invested my money better therefore I win"

"no you didn't, how can you be so sure I didn't invest them bett-"


You shushed the boy, placing a finger over his mouth and signalling him to lower his voice. You then pointed at two faraway dots.

"look! our targets!"

Heizou hummed, turning his head, following the trajectory of your index finger. Those two were indeed Ayaka and Thoma.

"do you think we should reveal our presence or keep a distance?"

"we'll go with the flow, I say whatever happens happens"

"wise words"

You grabbed Heizou's hand and fastened your pace, dragging the flustered boy with you.


You finally arrived at Childe's door, you could hear the loud music through the walls. Heizou opened it, making his way through all those college students, who were dancing their heads off the techno music.

'ew, techno'

Noticing your discomfort, Heizou guided you to a much quieter corner, pushing everyone aside. He looked at you concerned but then noticed he was still holding your hand.

He didn't let go.


"are you alright?"

You flashed him a small grateful smile, nodding your head.


'Not him' a deadpanned expression appeared on your face as the ginger head waited for an answer 'Is he being for real?'

You shook your head.

"hello Childe"

"are you guys having fun? Not to brag, but this might be the sickest party I've ever thrown"

"also, I just met Ayaka and Thoma, apparently they came to the party together~"

"we heard"

"can I get you both anything to drink?"

"we're good, thank you"

"alrightttt, enjoy the party guys, BYE"

You both decided to settle your base on the balcony, where you could monitor most of the party. Luckily you found two white plastic chairs you could sit in while investigating.

Two hours had passed, in which nothing significant happened. Ayaka and Thoma were friendly chatting and dancing so you gave up on observing them.

Instead, you ended up enjoying each other's company, completely forgetting about the purpose of the mission.

'Why was Heizou so easy to talk to? How could his laugh be so cute!?'

The moon had made its way to the centre of the starring sky, illuminating his pretty eyes. You laid your head on his shoulder, you couldn't help but let a small smile creep up on your face, everything felt so calm and soothing that night.

Heizou didn't dare to move a muscle, he took a glance at your profile, realizing you had closed your eyes and fallen asleep.

His heart pounded so loudly; he was afraid it might have woken you up.

After all; he had never been so close to his childhood crush...

After all; he had never been so close to his childhood crush

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AYO why am I so tempted to write an ayato fanfic??!!

𝙇.𝙊.𝙑.𝙀. 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 | 𝗛𝗲𝗶𝘇𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now