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  • Dedicated to S3v3rian

Copyright © 2013 by Ladylurve

All rights reserved.



I sulked and stormed into the living room and sat on the couch next to my brother whose eyes were glued on the screen as usual. An old song was playing on the television.

...Feels so right, it can't be wrong. Rockin' and rollin' all week long.

Sunday, Monday, Happy Days. Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days.

Thursday, Friday, Happy Days. Saturday, what a day, groovin' all week with you.

These days are ours. Share them with me...

My brother turned to look at me and grinned.

"What?" I said, eyeing him with suspicion.

"I just thought of something after seeing your lovely face and its notorious sulk," He smirked.

I ignored him and grabbed the remote to switch to other channels. He stood up and walked away singing what sounded similar to the song being played on the television just a few seconds ago. My brother has a great singing voice if only he wasn't so cocky about it all the time. Suddenly I overheard my name in the song and paid closer attention to the voice that was trailing away.

"...Thursdays Ella's grumpy days, Fridays Ella's grumpy days, weekends too are grumpy days, The weekend comes, oh what fun, skulking and sulking with you..."

"ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The singing abruptly ended followed by cackling sounds from my brother's bedroom.

Grrr!!! He drives me crazy at times!

- - - - - -

An hour and a quick dinner later, I found myself logging into Lifescape again. I don't have many friends to hang out with so it was nice to have online friends that I could hang out with instead.

 Ladylurve has logged in.

Current players on clan chat: Goat_34, DeathMuster, RosyBug, S3v3rian, Zezoon69

Goat_34 : Lady!

Ladylurve : Hi Goat. Hi everyone else!

RosyBug : Hey hun :)

RosyBug calls everyone hun! But she's alright. She was always around if I needed someone to talk to. Being killed by trolls and goblins can be really painful at times. It helps when RosyBug is around to sell me some healing potions.

The Clan Chat seems almost full tonight. Everyone is minding their own business as usual. I wonder if S3v is still fishing. No, I should keep myself busy and stop bugging people, I muttered to myself whilst I looked at my skills level and think about what I can improve. Fishing seems like the obvious choice but I doubt he will be at that silly Fishing Guild all the time. Do I really want to make so much effort for a bagel and coffee heartthrob? Hmmm... I didn't have long to wonder when a private message brought me back to Lifescape.

* Private Message *

S3v3rian : Usually brb means someone goes away for 5-7 mins max.

Huh...Oh! Gasp! Oh my GOD! I completely forgot that I told him I will be right back. Damn that Fishing Guild!

Ladylurve : Omg, S3v. I'm so sorry. I was -

I was denied entrance to the Fishing Guild? I can't say that to him. He might think I was intending on stalking him in Lifescape. That sounds terrible! Sweats began forming on my forehead as hundreds of excuses flooded through my brains. Just pick one that sounds most reasonable, I said to myself.

S3v3rian : Let me guess. You didn't think I'd be waiting so you went and made yourself some bagels and coffee, watched TV and came back here. Is that right?

Ladylurve : Oh.

For some reason, his reply touched me. He sounded like a guy who had been frustrated by girls before. He also gave me the impression that he is not interested with lies. Strangely enough, I didn't even feel like lying to him. I wanted to tell him the truth and if he couldn't handle it, then it doesn't matter. I mean, come on. Lifescape has like over a million members! Carpe fucking diem, I chuckled.

Ladylurve : Actually I wanted to hang out with you at the Fishing Guild. I hopped server to yours but I didn't have the requirements to enter the guild. So I was mad and I logged out to take a break.

S3v3rian : Oh.

His short reply made me nervous. I mean, seriously? This is what I get for telling the truth? An 'oh'? I felt like burying myself under my blanket!

S3v3rian : You could have messaged me and told me that you wanted to hang out. I would have hopped server to yours instead. We could have fished at Uncle Gill's pond.

I stared at my screen and read the message for the third time. Is S3v for real? I mean, why is he being so nice to me? My heart kept beating faster.

*beep* Chat updated.

Goat_34 : Ladyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy let's hang outttttttttttttttttttttt!

DeathMuster : ow many times you asked her out troll? dont think she eva said yes to you! LOL!

RosyBug : Stop being so mean Death.

Goat_34 : Yea, mind your own business Death. I'm not asking YOU out! :P

DeathMuster : Thank all of Lifescape's gods for that!

S3v3rian : Lol. Maybe I should try asking her out instead?

Goat_34 : :o!!!!!!!!!!

RosyBug : Oooo S3v hunny! Is something blooming in this clan that Aunty Rosy is unaware of?

Zezoon69 : Never mind S3v, Rosebud baby. If anyone needs to tame the shrew, it should be me. I accept the challenge like a man.

DeathMuster : pfftt... more like the troll you were born to be.

Goat_34 : lmao

Zezoon69 : Maybe you see me as a troll O mighty death speller. But that's only because you haven't seen the mighty long daggers I have hidden underneath my armor. Beware ladies of the clan ;)

RosyBug : Lol Zez. Are you drunk?

Zezoon69 : That's for me to know and for you, my Rosybud baby, to never find out! ;)

I laughed reading the clan chat logs. Maybe I do not know any of these people in real life, but they are a hillarious mixture and a truly unique combination of people. I simply love hanging out with them. But tonight, I don't want to be part of this craziness. Tonight, I need to focus on getting to know someone in the clan. Someone who may have been slighted by my 'brb'.

* Private Message *

Ladylurve : Is the pond at Uncle Gill's still opened for fishing right now?

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