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  • Dedicated to S3v3rian

Copyright © 2013 by Ladylurve

All rights reserved.



“Someone sure woke up on the right side of the bed this morning,” my brother mused as he poured orange juice into a tall glass.

I looked up from my bowl of cereal. Realizing I was humming to myself, I stopped and couldn’t help but smile when I replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m always like this.”

My brother laughed and said, “Yeah, right. And I was born yesterday. Good think mom’s coming to visit us later today. Maybe you can try putting on that happy face for once.” He finished his drink and placed the tall glass in the sink. I frowned; he is always leaving things in the sink for me to wash up after him.

“Why can’t you just wash that glass? You’re always leaving things in the sink!” I protested.

My brother turned around and looked at me whilst putting his jacket on.

“Awww, the cheerfulness never lasts very long. Just leave it if you don’t want to wash it. I’ll get Myka to wash it for me later,” he grinned and grabbed his car keys.

Myka and my brother have been dating for almost three months now. These past few weeks, Myka has been coming over and spending a lot of time in our house. It doesn’t bother me because most of the time I’m in my own room and minding my own business. Their relationship must be getting serious if my brother intends to introduce Myka to our mother. This has never happened before and I think the evening is about to get interesting.

I spent the next hour looking up advertised jobs in the newspaper and on the net. Being jobless for over 6 months since I graduated with honors in computer engineering is beginning to take its toll on me. The few companies I have applied to have not responded and I was beginning to feel discouraged. No one plans to graduate when the economic crisis was due to hit but shit happens. And the worst part is that I end up dealing with family members who think I’m just a useless graduate who can’t get a job. I shifted in my seat and looked up at the ceiling. Well that’s a problem for another day, I mused and typed the website address for Lifescape.

Ladylurve has logged in.

Current players on clan chat: Goat_34, RosyBug, S3v3rian

Ladylurve : Hello everyone. :)

Goat_34 : Lady!

Ladylurve : What's going on?

Goat_34 : Nm, wanna hang out????

Great, S3v's online! Hmmm, I wonder if he's having trouble getting a job too, I said to myself and decided to start a private chat with him when my private chat buzzed.

* Private Message *

S3v3rian : I hope I'm wrong but I think Goat has a little crush on you.

Ladylurve : Hmmm... what do you suggest I do about it?

S3v3rian : It would depend on what you want with him. But I personally wouldn't encourage him further.

I smiled to myself and wondered if he was suggesting that I should encourage him instead. Things have started out rather well for us although our 'date' was joined by Coolkid10. I certainly didn't want to ruin it by being too forward but my heart was nudging me to flirt with S3v. My heart started beating faster and I decided to give it a shot.

Ladylurve : So... who do you think I should encourage then?

S3v3rian : That's a good question...

Ladylurve : It is, isn't it? Do you have the answer to it?

S3v3rian : Actually, I believe I do.

Omg, is he going to suggest himself? Can this really be happening to me??? I stopped typing, stared at my screen for an answer and bit my right index finger.

* Private Message *

Goat_34 : Hun, let's hang out plz. I'm bored.

Before I could type a reply, I heard a loud knock at the front door followed by my mother's voice. Rats, I muttered to myself and logged out.

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