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Copyright © 2014 by Ladylurve

All rights reserved.


(DeathMuster's perspective)

"Mod Ash speaking."

"Tell me. Has it been really a week? Feels like a year!" I grumbled into the mouthpiece.

"I really don't have time for this. I actually have work to do here."

"Ya ya, I know. Big shot mod got so much going for him."

"What do you want?"

"I'm nervous about logging in. I want a fresh start. I don't want to screw it up. I-"

"I want, I want, I want... it's all about you, isn't it? You know what? I think that's the problem here. You have to stop focusing on yourself and focus on her! What does SHE want?"


"Dumbfounded are ya? That's how to get girls to like you. You have to pay attention to her! What do you think she wants? Maybe give her some good potions in the game?"

"Break the ice by giving her potions? That sounds real lame dude."

"Well if the shoe fits..."

"What's chewing up your ass anyways? Sheesh dude. Anyways I don't want to seem too desperate, know what I mean?"

"Aren't you though?"

"WHAT??? NO!" Awkward silence followed by a loud bang when Mod Ash dropped the receiver on the floor.

"Yup, still here."

"Dude, I really like her. I just don't know how to make her understand that without appearing sad and desperate. Do you think she knows?"

"She'd be pretty blur not to think so after that stunt you pulled. Dude, no matter how you look at it, that stunt of yours had desperado written all over it. I mean, if there's potential for redemption, maybe through the more idiotic stunt you pulled with the online female me!"

"You think?"

"Pfftt... Go figure. I gotta go. I have a deadline. Talk later."

The line went dead. I scratched the back of my head and logged into Lifescape.

DeathMuster has logged in.

I saw that she was online. I have to fix our situation quickly before it drives me crazy. I've been thinking and fretting about this very moment for the past one week while I was banned. I've had it rehearsed over and over again in my head, and now I get the chance to get this right. This one chance. I cannot screw it up again.

* Private Message *

DeathMuster : Hello Ladylurve.

I waited with abated breath. What if she doesn't reply? What if she's mad at me or something? What if she thought I put her on my ignore list for a week? Before I could think of more 'what ifs' situations, I got a reply.

* Private Message *

Ladylurve : Hey Death! Wb! Dang you've been gone a long time. Where did you go? Holiday?

I read her message twice. She seemed cool. Great!

DeathMuster : I wish. I was banned. 1 week.

Ladylurve : What??! What did you do?

DeathMuster : Got in trouble wif mod.

Ladylurve : Dang! Well I'm glad you're back. Better be careful around those mods.

DeathMuster : Meh, they shud b careful around me! Wuu2?

Ladylurve : Nm, u?

DeathMuster : Nm2. I thought mayb we cud meet. I need 2 talk 2u.

Ladylurve : Hmmm... is everything ok? Sounds so serious! So not like you.

DeathMuster : Yea well... I've..

I stopped typing and tried to think of the best way to say what I wanted to say without giving it all away.

Ladylurve : ?

DeathMuster : I'd like a chance to explain myself. You know, about before...

Ladylurve : Oh... dw abt it. I've forgotten all about it. It's no biggie.

DeathMuster : Buttttttttttt I feeeeeeeeeeel badddddd can we meet up?

Ladylurve : Sure, I'm at Whisker's Biggie Hole. Ur keyboard's ruined btw.

DeathMuster : lol. Wat u doin their?

Ladylurve : There. Investigating mounds for clues into Kermit's murder.

DeathMuster : Dats tough quest. Ther r literlly 100s of mounds 2 search n they change each time u log in.

Ladylurve : Yea, tell me abt it. Been at it past 3 hours! Gonna vomit anytime now. :P

DeathMuster : lol! Ok brt.

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