Abnegation IRL

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Sophia POV
I raged at Kalani's voice and I ran towards the door, smashing it open. I was going to tear her up in pieces. I hate you Maddie, I hate everyone but I want to kill Maddie. I was a Maddie hater like crazy and then I finally came to my senses. Nothing is here. Ww-we wwwhere is uh, uh Kkkkalani? Am I going insane. Sophia Sophia Sophia......

I woke up in a room and I see, I see Gino? "Where am l?" I asked him "You are in the hospital, someone tripped you on the way to the bathroom and you fell head first. It was some kid at the age of 7 or something".

Still I was really sleep deprived. I need coffee. My head aches and I want to just rest. It was a few minutes later that I really take a close look at Gi.... what, it was Maddie and Chloe. I sat up straight" what are you two doing here?". "Um taking care of you?" Maddie replied. Maddie taking care of me? This must be a joke. "Why?" "Um since you haven't realised, it's 12:30pm in the afternoon so you've been here with us for more than 3 hours. We deserve a thank you!" Chloe snapped. "I don't think you aren't in a position to look after me, aren't we competing in like, a day? "i said. Maddie shook her head"Typical Sophia, we contacted your parents and Abby about it. They said they'll be here shortly. Gino is coming too. We wanted to help..." Just as she was about to finish my mom, father, brother, Abby and Gino started to run in to see what happened.

Maddie POV
"Maddie, as I suspected, what did you do?"Jackie complained at me. Was that suppose to be a rhetorical question? Then my eyes meet Abby. They seem intimidating and cold not warm and welcoming like it used too. Abby was silent, then I looked away. She obviously wasn't in the mood for talking to her "ex-students". Gino was giving me and Chloe Death stares every second. "Maddie, did you do this?" He viciously asked. "If u would have done this, I would be running off by now Dumby?" I answered him in a calm tone. "Anyways, we should better get going. Hope your head is ok Sophia. We brought you some fruit. Oh and um here's your phone. You dropped it when you fell" Chloe said and we quickly scurried out of the patient room.

Abby POV
Those two witches, did they try to harm my precious here. "Sophia, be honest, what happened?" Jackie cautiously asked. "A 7 year old girl tripped her when she was running to the bathroom. " Gino answered "We were having comeback battles with the ALDC uh". Gino looked at me with alarmed eyes and then continued "the candy apple girls and Sophia took one seriously. I was running home because I forgot about my sister was home alone so I don't really know what happened" He finished. Maddie and Chloe are angels, loving their enemy. huh. oh snap out of that Abby, Sophia is 10 times better. Maddie and Chloe just did that so you could like them. But what they did was really kind and from the heart as well. I really question myself now, was it the right decision to kick Maddie off. Clearly Sophia was outdanced but I wanted Maddie off because I thought she was weak. Ok snap out of it Abigale Lee Miller. We will beat Apple19.

Gino POV
I can see piercing stares Abby made onto the wall. She's probably thinking about this week's competition. Well Maddie and Chloe slept at the hospital last night because I found blankets. Sweet girls, kind girls. Then as my eyes were roaming the floor boards, I found a book. Sophia And Gino Fanfiction. That's funny. "Maddie was reading that to me last night when I was fast asleep. She texted me about it this morning when You and everybody raced in. I was just finished reading the text and boom!"Sophia told me. She was probably crying when she read every page. Then I turned to the blurb. ' Maddie wants Gino but is a meanie', ah I think she was crying. "It's wonderful how Fanfiction can be IRL "Sophia said happily. I can see glints of sparkles in her eyes. I really feel bad for Maddie now. Chloe must have used her Fathers credit card to buy this room. Then I looked over to the glass pain window. I saw a note saying

Dear Sophia,
We hope you are well. I paid for your room so you can just go and Maddie has made you her Magnificent Morning Meal which consists of 4 Pancakes with Raspberry and Banana Sauce. 4 egg omlets. 5 waffles, 5 hash browns, 6 dishes of bacon, scrambled eggs and cookies. 3 green smoothies and a big carton of orange juice and apple juice and loads more but it'll probably take me days to finish the sentence. Maddie also made you a huge lunch and gigantic dinner, um there is a lot of food in your kitchen pantry towards your right. She kinda gave you 100 times what a buffet could give you. Hope you can handle eating that! You share it with your family😋. Maddie worked really hard in a limit of 3 and a half hours so please don't chuck away the food. I also paid for your insurance and I ordered a 5 star hotel near Pittsburgh at 1 week for you so you can get better and I booked a cruise going right after this competition to have a 2 week off. Maddie had brought you some fruit and a whole store like literally a whole store of clothes to cheer you up. We are kind to you because she always says "Love your enemies" and " treat others the way you would want to be treated". She said Abby taught her that. Both you and your family can enjoy the food, Maddie also got your mom a 5 foot tall makeup case, the 10 billion dollar gift card to the NYC toy store, 20 iPhone 6 and 6+ for you. 6 MacBookPros, MacBookAirs and 40 different case handmade by Maddie and I . All details are in the envelope next to the vase of flowers Maddie made for you to being home. I hope you appreciate what we did and be kind to us. Maddie spent the whole entire night making sure you were okay. She had no sleep so please treat the things we did worth respect and since you haven't noticed, your room is looking like a disney suite. Maddie spent 2 million dollars on all the decorations and there is a bath and body works and lush STORE, LITERALLY STORE inside your bathroom. The decorations are free for you to take. The doctor says that you will be okay after one night so you can leave tomorrow, we also transport your dance studio here so you don't have to get outside, I think it's best if your mom can pack your suitcase and bring it here.

Get Well Soon Sophia! Lots of love,
Chloe Lukasiak and Madison Ziegler.

I never knew those two are such kind people. Then I passed the note into Sophia and her face lit up as she finishes reading it. She's so cute. Then the letter gets past on to all the people in the room.

Sophia POV
Wow, these girls spend so much on me especially Maddie, taking her time to look after me and cooking for me this gigantic breakfast and lunch and dinner and looking after me and and. Buying me gifts my parents gifts and paying huge expenses for me. I think I've made some new friends again.

Abby POV
'Abby taught her that'. Maddie still remembers me, sweet girl, such a beautiful, kind and forgiving girl but Maddie left, she called me fat, she didn't call me out to talk personally. I was only joking when I said that so Maddie can work harder. She stormed out and that is none of our business. I don't give a f****** s*** about the old junior elite competition team any longer. Going to CADC was the biggest mistake of their lives!

Hey Maddie, I want to apologise. I really like you, better than Sophia but Sophia is prettier, more intelligent and kinder than you. 💋Gino
Yeah um faggot, run along the streets, if Sophia is so much better than me go text her. I have no time for you. You had your chance and you blew it. Good Job!!! Gino the Gorilla
Easy with your language, Miss Ziegler, Sophia is better Sophia is better. You sound like an immature kid. How old are you? 12
And a half. Incase you haven't notice, you called me ugly brat, s*** and some dirty mould growing outside after a kiss in the duet. I really feel sorry for Kevin putting up with you
Don't you dare talk about my brother. He didn't even like Brooke on the date. It was all for the f****** show you b**** and you know I said those things because of peer pressure and parent pressure
Oh Gino, bro, settle down and you tell me why no one likes you. I see the reason. I agree with Maddie. You are a f****** loser and I can't stand a day with you. LOL.
Team Kevin!!! Ok Bye Gino the Gorilla and by Kind Kevin
Bye Marvellous Maddie and f*** you Gino
F*** you both B****es

Gino POV
I hate Maddie. I don't give a f*** what she did for Sophia, I want to beat her AGAIN

Sophia POV
Maybe I have been a bit harsh but hey you know what, she's a competitior, I will not lose to that b**** no way. I don't care what she did, she is just manipulating me but I'II still eat the food and get the gifts. What harm does that do? I'm getting the advantages but Maddie is just getting the disadvantages ha ha.

ALDC 1 Days until Competition.
"Ok Trinity and Kamryn, you girls are going to be doing solos. Kamryn, your solo is a lyrical called You don't know me, it's about a girl in high school choosing a new subject that doesn't fit her nerd clique. Trinity, you are doing a jazz routine called Shake It Off by the ever most famous, T- swift. You girls are now in the Teen Catergory, you'll learn your solos in 1 hour and then perform it. This is professionalism".

After Rehearsal
"Asia, you are doing a hip hop, jazz number called Uptown Funk. Give me that sass, that energy and beat young ziegler for me".

Chloe POV
"Maddie, why did you do that, pay all that money, she might not even be your friend" I screamed. Maddie is like Abnegation now- pity. "Chlo, it's important to love your enemies!"Maddie yelled at me.
Why did she say that I spent all that money but in actuallality Maddie did. Like c'mon, I told her, she's wasting more than 50 billion dollars and is wasting her time. Sophia gets all these advantages and she gets the total opposite. "Chlo, think about her changes!" Maddie kept on saying. "ok, alright". I lied, I know Sophia more than she does, Sophia is not the changy type. Maddie, your selfless heart is the consequence of what will happen to the nearby future, c'mon girlfriend, don't be so gullible.

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