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I just want to say thank you all for either seeing this, or reading it! Also, if you're wondering why I capitalize the names, it's because in the original game, names are usually capitalized (I have no idea why). As of July 2023, I'm fixing some chapters to make them longer or remove things I find weird. 

Hello. I am HENRY, but please, call me HERO (people call me that because I love hero sandwiches). I am 19, my birthday is January 1st. I'm studying medicine in a college that's unfortunately far away...from FARAWAY, I mean, the name explains itself, doesn't it? My parents wanted me to study to become a doctor. After...A tragic event, I lost my passion for cooking, so even if becoming a doctor might be difficult, I can't do much else and I have to be more than good enough. 

My family lives in FARAWAY, we used to have neighbors that were to our left; a family of 4 and a cat. But, the neighboring family split after the tragedy; first the oldest sibling and second the father with only the mother and the youngest sibling left. The 2 moved out about a week ago, now in there lives a small family, but I'd...Rather not talk to them.

I have a couple of friends from college, and only a few from FARAWAY since the neighboring family moved. My friends from FARAWAY are:

AUBREY, she's quite aggressive now, she has a group of friends but they're awfully rebellious in my opinion, AUBREY still has a soft side to her, she's still growing up so everything's normal with her personality, although, she pushed BASIL into the lake once, BASIL doesn't know how to swim so what AUBREY did could be awfully incriminating and it was nerve-wracking for POLLY, she managed to apologize to BASIL though. She's 16.

BASIL, he's calm and absolutely loves plants; he has tons and tons of plants in his home. He's very welcoming but also very sensitive and vulnerable, which is how he had drowned in the lake, but luckily, he's still standing! BASIL is quiet, but even if he is, he's never a burden to the friend group even if he thinks he is, he just needs encouragement.

KEL, he is my younger brother and the best brother ever! He can sometimes be a handful and annoying, but it's all cool because it's normal for us, he is 3 years younger than me and about the same age as AUBREY and BASIL. KEL is very athletic, unlike me, but his intelligence...Isn't so swell, I used to help him with his homework when we were younger.





Well...When I was younger, I was deeply in love. 

When I was younger, I loved cooking, it was a hobby I was deeply interested in! 

When I was younger, I wanted the person I dearly loved to never leave my side, but she did. She left me, she left us, she left her family, and I was to think that it was my fault. 

When I was younger, I never wanted to grow up without her, so it affected me much more that I just didn't want to grow up anymore. 

When I was younger, she was my whole life, my biggest purpose that I thrived with and vigorously lived with. I-I just miss being 15 and younger. I wish she never left us, never left me, never left the world. The world still isn't the same without her.

You just gotta love HERO SANDWICHES! I find it funny that HERO is my nickname, but then I find it also a compliment as people say I'm heroic so it's fitting, isn't it? Yes...My family is known as the only family that orders HERO SANDWICHES at GINO's, but it's nice to be known for something, even if it's slightly humiliating! At least to me..

I know that changing topics is improper but, AUBREY holds a nailed bat, and since she's 16, I'm afraid she might hurt herself or somebody with the bat, do you think she does? I trust her, but maybe she is? Geez, worries me just thinking about it...

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