I made a point to get to work one minute late the next day, so Little Cut was already in a meeting. I spent the rest of the day making sure I was on the phone every time he was available and trying to call me into his office. I begged off on Carol five minutes early to escape without talking to him at all. He tried to call after me as I blew past his office. I pretended not to hear and motored home.
Food. When I had a problem to work through in school, the human Barbara would tell me to cook it out. Marnie had the same advice. I'd make lemon ricotta pancakes. Lemon was a problem-solving food. It cut to the chase, was honest in its wisdom, if too brutally honest. I supposed that's what I needed. Dad was out of jail in three and a half weeks. I didn't have time for gentle, ambiguous advice. This definitely called for some lemon.
They were heavenly. I think human Barbara would have been proud. Dog Barbara certainly seemed impressed. She begged the entire time I ate. "Sorry, no more human food for you ever again," I scolded. But I gave her a carrot to appease her. The ricotta softened the lemon just enough that I accidentally got advice on another problem altogether. As I cut a small bit and closed my eyes to better taste the sour inside the sweet softness, I saw Little Cut. I was in love with Ryan Cutter.
"Well, shoot," I told Barbara. "That wasn't the information I was looking for at all. As if the lemon summoned him, there was a knock on the door. Part of me wanted to pretend I wasn't home. I knew it was Ryan. "How did you do that?" I whispered to my pancake. But there was no hiding from a lemon summoned human. So I got up and answered the door like a responsible adult. A shaky, panicky adult. I took my time opening the door as though it would give me time to think of something to say to the man I loved who was my boss. The door was fully open and my brain raced to catch up to my eyes.

Five Shadows
Ficción GeneralNora is letting life live her instead of the other way around, when she starts getting visitors that want to change her life.