Chapter Fifteen

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At 6:30 sharp my phone rang. "I'm here!" Marnie's voice did not have volumed control. I held the phone away from my ear a few inches. "Can I come up? I have to go to the bathroom SO. BAD." I did a quick look over my apartment. I was not planning on her seeing it. Although I was pretty used to unplanned visitors these days. I buzzed her up.

"I like your place!" I blushed a little. She for sure had a trust fund that allowed for a penthouse suite, decorated by an interior designer. Her succulents were all thriving, I was sure. "Do you live alone?" I nodded. "Ugh. I'm jealous. I like my roommate, but sometimes I just need some downtime, you know?"

"Seriously? You need downtime?"

She giggled, "Oh yeah. To decompress. Read. Just be quiet. Do you think I'm this energetic all the time? Ugh. That would be exhausting!" She flopped on my couch, in the same spot Shadow #1 and Simon had sat. She paused for a moment and looked around like she heard a noise and was trying to figure out where it came from. "Um. Nora?"

"Yeah?" Now I was listening for something too. Her expression was not one of fear, exactly, but definitely alarm.

"I'm getting a very weird vibe. Like. There is some funky juju here." Now that she mentioned it, I was getting the same weird vibe. I looked around my apartment and set eyes on a large black shadow of a man sitting at my kitchen table. He raised an arm slowly and gave me a wave. My nervous laugh was so loud, it made Marnie jump.

"What? That's not a thing! Silly. Okay, let's go!" She stood up very slowly and spun in a circle. She slowed when her eyes passed the kitchen, but ultimately fixed her eyes back on me.

"Okaaaay. Sure. Let's go. Sarah Montgomery won't wait for us, I guess." Her words were heavier than the normal, flitting sentences that usually flew weightlessly from her mouth. Still, she smiled and moved toward the door. I practically shoved her out, then stuck my head back in. The man at the table waved again. "I'll wait here," he informed me in a polite baritone. With a tight smile, I shut the door behind me. It was going to be very hard to concentrate for the rest of the night.

Or so I thought. Once we left, Marnie was her old self again, chatty and vivacious. She asked me lots of questions, but thankfully none that forced me to face my painful past. The closest she came was asking what my plans were for Thanksgiving. "I guess I'm going to be with my brother and sister." I didn't mention anybody else or the complicated dynamics surrounding my family. Marnie picked up on my apprehensive tone.

"Family events. Always such a treat, right?" There was some hurt underscoring her words and I looked at her, surprised.

"Your family seems great, though. You guys are like the golden family."

"Ha! That's cute. My mom and dad and Ryan are amazing, but our sister is a psycho. And don't even get me started on my mom's side of the family." Her voice was angry enough that I really didn't want to get her started on it, curious as I was. If I knew anything, it was the importance of avoiding painful family memories. "Let's sit here!" The bounce was back in her voice, and I was relieved at its familiarity. While we waited for the author to come out, Marnie took a strand of my hair and flipped it behind my shoulder. "Have you ever thought about going a couple shades lighter?" I laughed at her attempt at tactfulness. I gave her a quick nod, but Sarah Montgomery was at the podium, ready to begin.

She was as good a speaker as she was a writer. After, we met her, and I purchased a signed copy of Beyond Borders. "You're going to love it!" Marnie sang, hopping up and down. Her squealing had reached an all-time high after meeting her favorite author. "What to go get coffee?!"

"Are you kidding? You cannot drink coffee right now!" I laughed. I may have been a little high on fangirl adrenaline myself.

"Okay. Let's go back to your place and hang out."

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