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Tonight I have a business meeting at some restaurant. It's upscale so a bunch of Italians in suits won't stick out. My only problem is these meetings send me into subspace. All the dominance that radiates off these people just mess with my head. I can't show I'm submissive without an owner. Why? Well once I get my owner they will technically become the boss but I'll still be considered the boss. My owner will command respect and and no one will question her. If I show I'm submissive now my enemies will try to use my submissiveness against me. So I'll go to this meeting then come home and spend time in my own dungeon.

I pulled up to the restaurant and got out walking to the back entrance. We don't enter the front at risk of being attacked we always use back entrances. I make my way to the room the meeting is to take place. I'm the first one here, I always am. The room is very small only meant for 20 people. I sit at the head of the table facing the door, never turn your back to the door. I sat there for another minute before a side door opened I directed my attention to the beautiful women who just walked in. She stands tall and her dominance is suffocating. My mind is consumed with one thought: submitting to her. I was so consumed with my thoughts I didn't hear her speak.
"Hey! My eyes are up here." She motions to her face.
"S-sorry" I mumbled.
"What would you like to drink?" She sighs obviously annoyed by me.
"W-wa-water please" I stuttered, I never stutter!
She looked at me like she was studying me. She smiled sweetly "Come up sugar" she cooed and I blushed like crazy before watching her walk out. I need to know more about that woman. Her name. Her favorite color. Her preferred sex posi-
"XAVIER!" I'm pulled out of my thought by an American voice. I look up to see the American mafia boss stroll in with his crew.
"James" I say casually and motion for him to sit down. He sits while we want for the local gang to show up. The door swings open and in walks the head of the Vipers, Hawk. "James, Xavier we can't be here we have to leave" Hawk says looking around. "Why not?" James pipes up
"We just can't we have to go now!" He says panicked still looking around and getting anxious. I was not leaving without more information on the beautiful woman. "No. You will sit here or the deal is off" I said flatly.
Hawk huffs and timidly looks around walking towards the table but before he can sit down the door swings open. "Dammit Hawk I told you I had a party! You can't just keep showing up scaring my customers with your big headed attitude. Out!" The same woman that took my drink order begins to attempt push Hawk out before pausing seeing he's not alone. "Wait, why are they-" she looked around the room her eyes landing on everyone's gun before and looking back at Hawk. "I KNEW IT!" She squealed! "You are in a gang! I called it! Ugh I'm so smart! Anyways" she looked at the table "you two look to stuck up to be gang, mafia?" She says with no fear only making her more attractive.
"American" James speak. She simply nods in acknowledgment before turning to me expectantly.
"I-" I clear my throat "Italian". She smirks before nodding. Then looks back at Hawk "well don't just stand there you big oaf go sit down make big deals. Wait! Who did you leave Bella with?" He looked away embarrassed and muttered "Ghost". The rage in her eyes was undeniable "YOU LEFT TWO SUBMISSIVES ON THEIR OWN ARE YOU THAT THICK HEADED!" She turned to his guys "Chief go watch them and make sure they don't kill each other, NOW!" The man scurried off not giving a second look to Hawk. She looked at Hawk "fottuto idiota lasciandoli soli. giuro che a volte voglio soffocarti ignorante figlio di puttana!" (you fucking idiot leaving them alone. i swear sometimes i want to choke you out. you iggnorant son of a bitch) she cursed him out in Italian. I just stared in awe.
"You know I can't understand Italian!" Hawk huffed.
She simply rolled her eyes before looking at the table. "Water for everyone?" She asked. We all replied a simple yes before she sauntered off.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly. We all came to an agreement on business and they left leaving me alone with my thoughts to pay the check. The beautiful woman came in again "You okay hun, you look a little flustered?" She said smugly. I chuckled out a nervous laugh  "w-what's your name?" I ask flustered about being in a room alone with her. "Cat" she said simply.

The Mafia's Mommy (Femdom/BDSM) ✅ - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now